okay… so i’m over myself from the last entry.
i’m not sure i ever mentioned that i was the cover Rodolfo for Skagit Opera’s La bohème they are doing next weekend. really, i’m only there to sing in the pit if the other Rodolfo loses his voice, or if he gets sick. i can’t make the staging rehearsals because of Seattle Opera YAP, but i can make the performances. my friend runs the company and is giving me $300 to be prepared.
now, i recently met the Maestro, someone i had met in the near past. his name is Allister and i love him cause he’s British and hilarious.
well, we immediately hit it off and i said that i’d like to get together with him to find his tempos and we could discuss the show. then i also figured, sure… what the hell…
"do you do conducting lessons?"
so he called me today and asked who they were for. i mentioned that i loved conducting but that i knew very little about it and want to do more. so he, on the spot, asked if i wanted to be his assistant for the show. he doesn’t have one and taking notes has been a serious pain for him. needless to say i JUMPED at the chance.
he made sure to let me know that i wouldn’t be paid for this, and i was sure to let him know that all i’m looking for is insight, not money. so… i’m super excited. lol
– noah
p.s. also looks like we’re going to get a kitten and its gonna stay downstairs with me. 😀
p.p.s. yes, i said super excited. get over it!
Saw you on the front page!!! And congrats on this awesome stuff going on :D. Hooray!
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Absolutely! =] p.s. I find it AMAZING that you’re an opera singer, way to go! I wish I had that kind of voice power, and control!
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maybe i should’ve read this entry first. lol. kittens are adorable! and yay, the job thing sounds awesome! i also love the fact that you’re getting $300 just to watch from the pit (i mean, be prepared. lol)!
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Aw, a kitten! Yay! Oh, and yay for the other stuff too 🙂
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*squeals* YAY! Thats awesome 😀 I’m SOOO excited for you, I know how much you’ve always wanted to conduct and now you can get your foot in the door 🙂
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whoa that’s cool!! congrats! 🙂
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i know i already told you this, but this is so awesome! 😀 i’m soooo excited for you! AND for the kittie! 😛
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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe yay congrats *hugs*
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WOW that’s an AWESOME little gig. Assistant to the conductor. WICKED! I hope it proves to be a profitable experience
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I actually do like Muse, but they’re not on my list of bands I wanna see in concert.
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You sound much more chipper. Yay for that. Hugs!
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RYN: I don’t “hate” you hehe…You and Eric share the same opinion. I wear the make-up because it makes me feel more secure. I know that sounds shallow, but I can’t help it and if I could, I would. Love you Darling =)
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Congrats baby!!! And a KITTEN!! I want one!!!
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COOL! AND OMG YAY a kitten!!! What will you name it?!? Lemme know if you want suggestions!
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