Want to know what pisses me off?

I have to get this out of my system because my boyfriend is arriving at the airport in just 3 hours.  This that follows is where the last entry came from.  These are the words of someone that I’m not even sure I’d classify as a person:

"Homosexuality is not an aspect of humanity, like being black, or asian, or being left-handed or right-handed. It is a sexual DECISION. There is nothing in your genes that forces you to be homosexual. There is nothing in society that forces you to be homosexual. It is a decision the individual in question made, not an unchangeable facet of their being. If anything, it is a sexual deviation, like raping children or having sex with animals. Marriage is not a right, it is a contract between two individuals. As with any contract, restrictions apply. A 14 year old can’t sign a lease for a house, for instance. Extending that, in most places a 14 year old can’t get married on their own. Is said 14 year old being denied his rights? Nope! He still has the right to get married, he just doesn’t meet the requirements. It’s not the same as somebody deciding to do something that keeps them from being able to do something. For instance, if a person DECIDES to kill somebody, and gets sent to jail because of it, guess what- he suddenly has things he can’t do. Are his rights being denied? If you DECIDE to have sex with somebody the same sex as you, that’s your decision, but you shouldn’t expect to be granted the same rights and responsibilities because you choose to develop a sexual deviancy. Homosexuality is not like being ADD, or being born without control of your legs; you are not loosing rights because of something you have no control of. You are giving up your ability to enter into certain contracts in order to screw a specific individual. You’re not even doing that much- because if you one day meet the requirements of the contract, you can still get married- no rights are with held from you.

"This isn’t like saying to a black person, "If you want to vote, be white, so you meet the requirements." This is like saying to a 14-year old, "If you want to get married, get older, so you meet the requirements."

"Homosexuals aren’t trying to gain a right they never had. They always had the right to get married, just not to someone of the same sex as they are. That’s part of the contract of marriage. If you were gay four years ago but are going for a straight marriage, well, guess what- you can get one. If you’re a homosexual, and you want to get married, get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend if the case may be). You’re perfectly capable of it; there is nothing keeping you from it. It *angers* me when homosexuals try and use it as an excuse, as if they’re the helpless victims here- you’re not. You’re not a blind person, a crippled person, a brain damaged person who is being discriminated against for something they have no control over. You’re a person who made a choice in regards to their sexual lifestyle and doesn’t want to live with the consequences.

"Homosexuals aren’t being denied any rights. They’re being held to the same responsibilities as the rest of America- if I want to get married, I have to find a wife, no matter if I’m African, Naitive American, blind, deafth, a Vietnam Veteran, missing both legs, or left handed, simply because I’m a guy. Are my rights being taken from me, because of that? No, and neither are yours. That’s part of the marriage contract. I don’t see why somebody who has sex standing up should be held to a different set of rules as somebody who has sex laying down- sexual preferences have no affect on marriage, and homosexuality should be no different.

"Go ahead. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m an insenstive bastard. Tell me I’m a bigoted religious fanatic who can’t see past my own Bible. Make all the excuses you need so that you can still think you’re right. It’s okay, really- I understand."

I had trouble getting past the part where he compared me to a child rapist.  I typed out a not-so-pleasant response to him, but didn’t post it publicly, because it was mostly full of personal attacks.  I just sent it in a private message to him to make it that much more personal.  I don’t like doing that kind of thing…  but I was pissed.  I was so pissed that I was pacing around my living room for a while wishing I had something to destroy.  And I wished that "something" was this guy’s brain.  But then I realized that his religion had apparently already destroyed it.  So I just had to rant at him and take cheap shots at him whenever I could.  Perhaps I should have been a bit more civil with it.

Anyway, the following is his response to me (the italics are quotes from my message to him, and the bold is his response to those quotes):

Fuck you. Putting me in the same category as child rapists? Telling me that I chose to be gay? You deserve every personal attack that I’m going to make in the next few paragraphs. I hope they make you cry. Yes. I’m pissed.

I’ll pass. This is private, so… gloves off. I guess it’s nice on one level to know something still bothers you. Maybe there’s a flicker of a concious left somewhere in there… doubtful, though. Yes, I did compare you to child rapists, and to people who screw animals, because from my point of view that’s all it is- a sexual deviation. If you prefer though I can compare it to bondage or some other sexual act, but those were just the first ones to pop in my head.

What you’re telling me is that if I want to get married, I have to find some random girl that I don’t even love and I’m not even attracted to and marry her. Is a loveless marriage something that appeals to you? And you know while I’m at it, I guess I’ll probably have to lie to her and say that I love her so I can get her to marry me. I’m not sure if there are many women who would marry someone that doesn’t love them. Do you have a sister? Maybe she’d understand the situation and I can marry her.

If I have to, I don’t see why you should be any different. You seem to think you’re entitled to something nobody else in the history of mankind was. This isn’t like equal rights for blacks, or helping disabled people get by; you weren’t born gay, no matter what you believe. If you didn’t choose to love the person you’re currently with, well, I’m sorry you’re in a FORCED RELATIONSHIP, because that’s what it is. No matter how you explain it, at some point you looked at whoever and decided to love them.

Why don’t we just go tell blacks that they can get married too if they want. They just have to marry the same race, just like whites have to marry the same race. Oh wait. We did once, but now we’ve decided that’s discriminatory. I guess when we say the same thing to people who do things we think is gross or against our religion, it’s not so discriminatory anymore, though. Moron.

Blacks aren’t responsible for being black. It’s not fair to hold them to something they had no say in. You, though, chose to be gay; it’s a totally different story. Nobody forced you to have a relationship with your SO- and if they did, you’re not gay, you’re a rape victim.

It’s not about just wanting to get married for the sake of being married and you fucking know it. It’s about wanting to get married to the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. You know that’s what marriage is about. Trying to say "you do have the right to get married to a woman, just like everyone else" either shows that you are incredibly stupid or you are just too much of an asshole to admit that you’re prejudiced. I suspect that it’s actually both factors.

You don’t need to get married to spend the rest of your shortened life with him. And no, that’s not what marriage is about. Marriage is there to create a stable environment, where a man and a woman can have sex without worrying about one or the other running off and leaving; it’s there to raise children in a stable environment; it’s not there for what you want it to be. If you want to live with a person for the rest of your life nobody’s stopping you. And yeah- you have the same right to get married as I do. I don’t have the right to marry a guy; why should you?

I’m very sorry that you have been turned into such a bigot by your religon that you consistently fail to look at any kind of actual science and facts when it comes to things that disagree with what your imaginary friend in the sky told you. I wish I could help you, but you’re far too gone in your delusions for any kind of intervention.

I don’t want your help. I’ve seen where that leads. You can keep it.

And you know, I know it’s because of your religion because guess what? I’ve never met a single atheist who has a problem with gays getting married.

Well, hey, there are no atheists in foxholes… 🙂

I’m sorry your limited perception hasn’t allowed you to bump into them, but yes, there are atheists who are against gay marriage. You think even half the people in Congress believe in God? Yet oh the speaches they make when the issue comes up.

When I read his response, I had already told myself that I wouldn’t be continuing this with him.  He’s pissed me off before with his rants on this and other topics, and this was just the breaking point.  Besides, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with his response.  Do I start by asking what the hell "I don’t want your help.  I’ve seen where that leads." is supposed to mean?  And how do you talk to someone who thinks that you choose who you fall in love with and if you didn’t choose, you’re being raped in a forced relationship?  What about this "shortened life" business?  Does he think that all gays get AIDS and die early?  And where does he get off telling me that I "wasn’t born gay, no matter what I believe"?

So, I don’t get offended often.  But this guy really fucking does it to me.  So what do you think?  Am I justified in being offended?  Did I go too far with my response to him?  Is it ok if I privately wish that his God throws him into the pits of Hell specifically because of the things he said above?  Or at least that he is reincarnated as a gay man?

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AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh that kind of thing infuriates me beyond words, leaving me spluttering indignantly for a few minutes before finally being able to formulate a proper response. Apparently these people have missed the memo from organisations like the APA, who’ve said: “The research on homosexuality is very clear. [It] is neither mental illness nor moral depravity. It is

simply the way a minority of our population expresses human love and sexuality. Study after study documents the mental health of gay men and lesbians. Studies of judgment, stability, reliability, and social and vocational adaptiveness all show that gay men and lesbians function every bit as well as heterosexuals. Nor is homosexuality a matter of individual choice. Whew, sorry I went off a

October 29, 2006

bit there, didn’t I? You’re not the person who I should be seething to. I think you are most definitely justified in being offended. I shall join you in wishing that this person is reincarnated as a gay man. In America, that is. Hahaha, sorry, just kidding. America’s okay.

October 29, 2006

The correct response to this sort of thing, in my opinion, is to take a deep breath, calm down, and go get some statistics. I counted several blatant errors in his argument that could be easily solved with a few numbers.

What that person wrote was absolutely disgusting. You have a right to be offended. I can’t believe that kind of ignorance and hatred still exist in the world.

October 30, 2006

right. I think he’s created a straight-hate-crime against himself 🙂

October 30, 2006

What a collasal prick. Marriage is to prevent your partner from running off and also to create a stable environment for kids??? Apparently this wank job lives in a bizzare fantasy world where you have to marry someone to insure their fidelity (and it always works!) and children will spiral into chaos unless they have one male daddy and one female mommy. I don’t know where he gets the idea thatpeople aren’t born gay. Maybe he was bi-curious for awhile but got over it, leading him to believe that liking men is a “choice.” In any case, his arguments are like a house build on sand. His core logic seems to be, “This is what I think and it’s right because I’m saying it so that makes it true.” Sterling reasoning. Yes, you should be offended. I am offended. Primarily for what he said about gays, and also for that whole marriage is for children BS. Here’s a question for him; I legitimately CHOSE to not have kids. I didn’t choose not to like kids, but I make conscious efforts not to have them. Does this mean I shouldn’t be allowed to get married? By his logic, yes it does. *hugs* I hope you feel better soon, don’t give Mr. Sand up his Ass the power to ruin your whole day. He suc

October 30, 2006

PS: In honor of the a-hole who upset you, my entry today wil consist entirely of two men kissing. Viva diversity!

October 30, 2006

I have no comment on this.

October 30, 2006

He has the right to his own misguided beliefs. It’s sad though that there are more of them than there are of us.

October 30, 2006

No, you are well within your right to be upset, and I am with you on that too. I hope is reincarnated as a flaming homo bottom who becomes some burly hairy mans fisting partner.

November 7, 2006

definitely have every right to be offended…i’m offended myself

November 9, 2006

I feel very sorry for this man’s wife, if, indeed, he is married. He apparently does not believe in love, but he has feelings for men. How could he think it was a choice if he has no feelings for men himself? He is idiotic and not worth your consideration. You have support. Jack