
It has been so long since I’ve clicked that "write" button in open diary.  I read favorites every day, never note, and never write myself.

I just feel like I don’t have the time, but that’s not really true.  I have plenty of time.  I’m just tired when I get home from work and would rather play video games than do one of the 50 projects I have lined up to work on.  For instance, I want to make a Link costume (as in the Legend of Zelda) for Halloween, I want to go through levels 1 and 2 of the Rosetta Stone software for Spanish, I want to reread the Harry Potter books, I want to reread A Fire Upon the Deep, I want to start reading other novels I haven’t read before, I want to start working out again, I want to become more active in online activities, I want to clean up the apartment, I want to get back into programming again, I want to learn how to play an instrument and/or relearn how to play the piano, I want to start buying and reading books on mathematics.

But all I manage to accomplish each night is maybe gaining a level on one of my World of Warcraft characters.

By the way…  Julian and I have gotten addicted to World of Warcraft.  So not only am I not getting any of my other projects done, I’m also not even finishing any of the other dozen games that I want to play.


But in much happier news, Julian and I are getting married.  We bought rings for each other and they should be calling us to pick them up in the next 2 or 3 weeks.  Then it’s just a matter of us applying for a marriage license, getting it, then having an official ceremony.  We want to do this while we still can in California, because there is a gay marriage ban on the ballot this November and we just recently gained the right to marry in this state.

Regarding my work situation…  I’m going to be moving to part-time at the environmental lab in September because I’m going to start taking classes again.  I’m finally starting to work on my teaching credential.  If all goes well, I’ll be student teaching in two years. 

I have to pass the CSET for mathematics first…  but I should be able to do it if I can devote enough effort to it.  I just need to teach myself a bunch of topics that I’ve forgotten or was never taught in the first place, because I took the CSET once recently, but I’m afraid to see what score I got on it.  I find out in a few weeks how horribly I did.  For the first time in my life I didn’t have enough time to finish a test I was taking.  With luck, I’ll at least pass one of the subtests.

Anyways…  That’s all for now.  I may write again soon, but don’t hold your breath for it.

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July 30, 2008

I won’t hold my breath as I don’t look good with blue skin but I do hope that you will write again soon. 🙂 – – – –

July 31, 2008

Its nice to be comfortable and lazy, nothing to be ashamed of there. Congrats of the engagement, I wish you both many good things!

July 31, 2008

Well well well… he’s alive. I was just going to ask Julian if he tied you up or something. married?!?! AWESOME! I wanna come!

August 1, 2008

congrats dude! its weird how once you get into a serious relationship the urge to diarize your life seems to fade. i myself havent writtin in my diary 20 times since i met my man 1 and 1/2 years ago. i wish i could vote against that ban, but at least you got as far as you did. im in missouri where gays are not accepted.