Throw me a party

Since I’ve last written here, I’ve turned 22.  I’m OLD.  My life is like…  2/3rds over now.  I’d better make these last 11 years something good.

I didn’t really have a birthday party.  I just went to see the new Harry Potter movie.  It was good, though I liked the Prisoner of Azkaban more.  The thing I liked about it was that the whole time travel thing was done so well.  I’m generally completely unimpressed when a movie attempts time travel, but I’ll have to say, they did a good job with it in Harry Potter.  I really need to read the books.  I imagine JK Rowling did an excellent job in writing the time travel sequence.

Anyway, back to my birthday.  As I was saying, I just went to see Harry Potter and then went to eat.  No big party.  Actually I’ve only had one big party for any of my birthdays that I remember, and that was when I was 16.  It wasn’t even a big party really.  Just a group of about 5 friends together and some party trays full of chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A.  So I’ve never had a REAL birthday party from the days that I actually remember.  Even when I was younger, we didn’t really have parties.  Someone throw me a party for my 23rd birthday, please.

Now on to talk about money.  I’m in the process if writing a proposal for reimbursement for the money I spent going to DC for that APA conference.  If I get a full reimbursement, that will be 300 bucks.  Some will go to my ex though, who helped pay for half when we went up there.  That money will help me pay for all my interviews for graduate school that I’ll hopefully get.  And for Christmas presents.

That’s enough for an entry today I think.  I’ll try to update frequently over the Thanksgiving break.

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November 21, 2005

hey just found your diary on random and i thought i’d say that i LOVE harry potter and the books are 30490938409384 times better than the movies, although the goblet of fire was the one that adhered most to the book. gotta tell you though that wasn’t time travel – it was actually more of a space travel thing, much like the floo powder in the fireplace in the… 2nd one? 2nd or 3rd i think. 🙂

November 21, 2005

god you’re old! grandpa! hehe

November 21, 2005

The books are better, as is always the case. But I have to admit that the time travel sequence may have been cooler in the movie than in the book. And, for your reassurance, there were no parts in the movie that warranted applause and cheering that you would have to have read the book to know about. Those children in the cinema were just on crack. Oh, and I will throw you a party and bake you…

November 21, 2005

…a pumpkin pie and get you drunk and take total advantage of you and ravage your body. If you want… 😉

November 22, 2005

old… please! you’re still a kid!

November 22, 2005

Happy Birthday. I turned 22 over the summer and it was no fun. Once you hit 21, you have nothing left to look forard too lol I’m sure you’ve heard this a trillion times, but the books are better than the movies. They’re really easy to read. You’d probabaly get through the whole lot in a week.

November 22, 2005

Birthday are overblown completely… I won’t them anymore.

November 23, 2005

happy birthday, i think will b even mor euneventful. I just really have a bad relationshoip with my birthday. battered wives have better marriages than my relationship with my birthday. I really need a party fpor mine. SUM!, NE!, HELP!

November 23, 2005

oh, duh. sorry 🙂