The Search for Sparks

Tomorrow I’m going on a mission.  If there exists a Sparks Plus in the city of Augusta, I will find it.

For those of you unfamiliar, Sparks is an alcohol/energy drink.  It comes in a silver and orange can that is designed to look like a duracell battery.  Sparks Plus is silver and black instead and has more alcohol and more caffeine.  It’s said to be strictly for maniacs with enough alcohol to get you drunk and enough caffeine to keep you awake through it all.  I must have some.

A while ago I went looking for some at a couple of convenience stores and didn’t find any.  But I’m going to go on a more thorough search.  I find the original sparks quite often.  But this Sparks Plus is rather elusive.  Apparently it’s commonly at 7-11s, but also apparently there’s not a single 7-11 in Augusta.  I even checked the 7-11 website.  None.  That surprised me because I could have sworn there were some in Augusta.  Perhaps they all closed down.  I’ll try some other convenience stores.  Maybe some Circle Ks.  If anyone is aware of other chains that typically stock Sparks Plus, let me know.  It would be GREATLY appreciated as I embark on this quest. 

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June 14, 2006

alcohol energy drink…shit hook me up with some of that!

June 14, 2006

People drink this stuff and survive??

June 15, 2006

I’m sorry they don’t have it there. I promise when you visit we can drink so much of it together that we feel like passing out, but instead, stay up weeping because we can’t fall asleep.

June 15, 2006

hahaha send me some of that stuff!!