Much better

I’m feeling much better today.  I think I’m over the funk from my last two entries.  I still miss Jules, but it’s all good.  It’ll work out good one way or another.  He’s great so he’s definitely worth the distance.

In other (boring) news, I’ve been playing Diablo II a bit now.  I’ve got two characters, a necromancer and a druid.  I love the summoning skills.  So great to sit back and watch my minions cut through my enemies.  Leaves me free to watch for the goodies that the enemies drop.  🙂  Jules wants me to get Battlefield II as well, which I probably will do soon so we can play that too.

God it is so hot today.  It’s 80 outside and because my dad is cheap, it’s 82 in the house.  I’m sitting here in shorts and a sleeveless with a fan blowing on me just so I can stay comfortable.  Being the genius that I am, I decided I wanted to do some working out, so I preceeded to get the resistance bands that I use at home when I can’t go to the school’s gym and have a good workout.  In my 82 degree room (probably actually hotter because of my computer and TV being on in such a small space.  Well, I had a good workout, but I was fucking hot afterwards.  But there’s nothing like a cold shower after a sweaty workout.  I need to be careful though.  Jules likes his men thin and toned.  Got to make sure I don’t get too muscular for him (Don’t think that will be a problem with my body type, haha).  Anyway.

I think in a bit I’m going to read some more for my Science Fiction class.  We’re reading A Fire Upon the Deep now.  It’s really good, but fucking weird.  There are times you just have to say "I have no clue what the hell is going on, but I’ll keep reading and hope I find out."  But still, it’s a good book.

OH, I forgot!  I had a phone interview with someone from the University of North Texas and it went great!  He was giving me hints that he feels I’m pretty much in.  So this Fall, I may become a Texan living 30 miles out from Dallas.  I have a bias against Texas though.  But it’s probably because my only experiences in Texas has been in podunk, Texas with my grandparents.  I’m NOT a small town guy at all.  The Dallas/Ft. Worth area will hopefully be better.  I’ve also got an interview on the 20th in Ft. Lauderdale, FL at Nova Southeastern University.  I’m sure I’ll be accepted, but they don’t offer good financial aid from what I hear, so I probably won’t be able to afford going there anyway.

I can’t believe this is the third day in a row I’ve written an entry.

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You’re doing well on updating!

March 11, 2006

dfw is great, as long as you know where to go. texas as a whole gets a rep for being ultra-conservative and what not, but dfw is pretty gay friendly (for the most part). i live in irving, it’s more conservative than dallas as a whole but, livable and usually enjoyable

March 11, 2006

i totally read that as “i played dildo II” and nearly died laughing

March 13, 2006

“…likes his men thin and toned.” Gosh, what a picky bastard. LoL