It’s over

The Harry Potter Saga is over.  Julian and I finished reading the last book last night.  I’m sad that it’s over, but I loved every bit of the story.

I had Harry Potter dreams last night too.  So did Julian.  But anyway, now we have the last two movies to look forward to.  Three if you still haven’t seen Order of the Phoenix.

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July 23, 2007

I’m just at the end of the first book,lol. Very good series though.

July 23, 2007

*sigh* … What do we do now?

July 23, 2007

tsk tsk even dreams ‘ay?

July 23, 2007

who died?

July 30, 2007

I just finished it last night! such an amazing read. I actually shed a few tears near the end. I had a harry potter dream as well which is weird. but it invovled a friend instead of harry. weirdness. It feels like i’ve closed a chapter of my life now that these books are done and i have to admit, that makes me kinda sad.

August 17, 2007