Heroes Finale

It’s been so long since I’ve written that I’m not even going to try updating on what’s going on.  Instead, I’m just going to talk about the Heroes Finale.  So if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t read anything that follows.  You have been warned.

Now then, I have to say that I felt like the story was incredibly rushed.  Whereas last season seemed to be so well paced from beginning to end that it always left you wondering how the hell saving the cheerleader would save the world and if all these separate people would ever actually meet and realize they aren’t alone in their abilities, this season seemed like they were going as fast as they could to get to the end.  From news articles I’ve read, it had nothing to do with the writers’ strike, however.  Apparently when the strike started, they had already had all the writing for the first half of the season, which was meant to be a self-contained volume.  The second half of the season was another self-contained volume that I assume will be pushed back into season 3 instead.

Anyway, despite the feeling of being rushed, the season’s episodes always left me aching for the next episode and this season’s finale is no exception.  There are just so many questions and so much anxiety built up that I feel like I’ll go insane if I don’t get more.

For example, question one is simply, what is Angela Petrelli’s power?  I know she has one, everyone who was in that Company picture has a power.  Does it have to do with persuasion?  I wonder because in one episode, after Nathan’s wife came out of the hospital room, Angela kept touching her as she was talking, as if her touch had to ability to pacify or persuade.  That would be a rather useful ability in a political family, after all.  Also in another episode when Parkman was interrogating her and using his power to force her to answer the question, it seemed like she was able to resist to some small extent, though she eventually failed.  Was that because she also had some kind of mental power?

While we’re on the subject of powers, what was Hiro’s father’s power?  And what about that other woman in the picture that Adam shot?  And Nathan and Peter’s father’s power?  I’m certain they have powers as well, but I haven’t the slightest idea what those may be.

The next question is what is Noah Bennett going to be doing for the Company now?  They know they can’t really trust him and he proved to be rather dangerous to the company, so why would they have him work with the company?  Unless he isn’t really working with the Company and is instead going to go back to that cell knowing that the Company will leave his family alone.

And what is the Company all about?  What was their original purpose?  Was it just to find those with abilities, test them, and be sure they weren’t dangerous?  It sounds like they Company was originally formed to "save the world" in some way.  Did they think that by finding and testing people’s abilities, they were moving toward that goal?

Is Claire’s ability any different from Adam’s?  Will Claire never get older as well?  Are they in some way related to each other?

Was Alejandro’s power simply the ability to calm Maya down and prevent people from dying?  Was he actually a sort of anti-Maya with the ability to give life back?  I don’t expect that question to ever be answered now that he’s dead.

Where did that "Godsend" symbol come from?  Did Adam simply see it and think it was a good symbol to use and it got passed along through his involvement in the Company?  If so, then why did it appear on Niki whenever the Jessica personality came out?

And what exactly was Niki’s power?  Just super strength and Jessica was just a symptom of multiple personality disorder?  If so, then again, why did that Godsend symbol physically appear when Jessica’s personality came out?

What was all of that stuff in the Vault with the virus?  Was that an actual brain?  And what was up with the playing cards in the glass plate?

What happened to that girl that Peter left in the future?  How is the changed future going to effect her, since she was kind of dropped off in the middle of it?  Does Peter even remember her amid all these ideas of telling the world about their abilities?

Is Niki dead?  Not that I’d be too sad if she was, it would just suck for Micah.  And if Monica has a power, and it seems to run in families, does that annoying wrestling fanatic brat son of hers have powers?  Or what about the grandmother figure?  Does she have powers?

Why were those hoodlums being paid to burn down the houses in New Orleans?  Who was paying them to do that?  Does it have anything to do with the Company, or nothing at all?

And my final question is will any of these questions actually ever be answered, or will I just accumulate more question?

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December 5, 2007

I’ve heard rumors that this series is going the way of Lost, where plot lines and characters are added willy-nilly and then not actually developed. I will be very sad if this is true.

December 6, 2007

All I can say is – WTF? 🙂 – – – –

December 6, 2007

I never got into that show. Shame cause everyone i know likes it. I might get around to watching it eventually.

December 9, 2007

Great questions! i actually had a few of them myself. I can’t wait to see what volume 3 holds! I hope they won’t go too crazy on adding more people with powers. I’m worried it’s gonna dilute the story too much.

December 17, 2007

I heart Heroes. =) I was a little bit disappointed with the season finale, though. I think your description of it all as being ‘rushed’ is pretty apt. And I definitely have been wondering about the Godsend symbol!