
Well now, it’s been a while.  Things have certainly been happening, just haven’t felt like writing.

I sent in my graduate school applications for the three programs which have deadlines on the 15th.  Now I have two more to complete which are due in January.  I’ll work on those this weekend to get it all completed and over with.

We finished our film.  It rocks.  Not really, but it’s pretty good.  I hope that they give us a good grade for it.  We put a lot of work into it.  I guess we’ll find out.  We saw some of the other projects and half that we saw were good, the other half bad.

I had my fourth unit test in Biological Psychology yesterday.  I totally rock in that class.  97 on the first unit test, 100 on the second and third, 99 on the fourth.  Then I got a 100 on the lab test.  All that’s left is the cumulative exam.  It’s not an easy class, it’s just material that comes really easily to me.

The only other assignment I have is a 4-5 page paper for Nature if Inquiry, which is actually mostly done now.  It’s due Thursday preferably, but he said he’d accept it on the exam day for that class.  There is no actual exam for it.

My thesis is completely done.  I just need to get it signed by one more committee member (who said he’d sign it as soon as he sees my main advisor’s signature on it) and then turn it in to the honors office.  I need to think about if I should try to submit a manuscript to a journal.  Or at least do a poster presentation of it somewhere.

I finished the third Harry Potter book a while ago and began on the fourth.  I’ll tell you with the third book, if she had included some of the intertwining of the timelines that was in the movie, like Hermione howling and throwing the pebbles, and Dumbledore stalling for them, as if he already knew what was going on (made him look so much more impressive in the movie), then the book would have been absolutely amazing.  As Jules said though, it probably wouldn’t have come off as well in a book as it could in the movie.  As it was, the book was incredibly good and explained LOTS of things that the movie just didn’t seem to care about.  I’m anxious to read though the fourth and go on to the fifth over the winter break.  🙂

I’m very excited about my abs.  They are looking really good now.  Hehe.  Over winter break I won’t be able to go to the ASU gym anymore, but I’ll see about going to the Ft. Gordon gym at least to ride a stationary bike or something.

I’ve noticed that I’ve stopped writing entries like I used to.  I’m now writing more entries just about what’s happening to me.  It’s probably boring most people, hence the decline in notes.  Anyways, that’ll be it for today.

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December 6, 2005

I love it when a class is extremely difficult but the material comes naturally to you so you ace the class. its such a warm and fuzzy feeling.

December 7, 2005

I totally feel you on the note declination. I’m averaging 2 on a real good entry. I swear that people come flocking from miles around to read when there’s drama or things are going bad. Guess that’s more interesting. Anyway, restrospectively, haven’t you got a lot done these last few weeks? Sure seems like it. 🙂

December 7, 2005

well let’s see pics of those abs!

Your note today on Notliberal’s entry was really quite simple but very profound. I think it was a perfect note. Thanks for leaving it.

December 12, 2005

i was like that with my philosophy class. and my last physics class. oddly, i remember nothing from either class.

December 13, 2005

RYN: lol, yea well I don’t know…I’d like to think its purely just to wish him a happy birthday but who knows. I dunno that I could delete his email address now…I could have had I remembered to do it back in April but whatever. Good to see you’re doing so well with school! Congrats on finishing up another semester, always better over huh? -Matt