Five Days Remaining

I’m well over half done with my time at home.  Just five more days left, then I’ll be calling Long Beach home.  I’m pretty excited.  Some of our plans include going to Sushi Studio to have some of the most excellent sushi ever, then to Cafe Tu Tu Tango which is the site of our first "I love you."  We’ll be celebrating our Christmas and Anniversary, as well as Julian’s birthday then, since we weren’t able to be together during the actual dates of those events.  We’ll also be getting me a CA driver’s license, getting me a job, and get to work on getting ourselves back into shape.  We both have to recommit to our healthy eating plans and exercise routines, so we’ll start on that.  Then not to long after that, we’ll be flying back to Texas to get my car and the rest of my stuff that I left in Texas.  Then it’s road-trip time to Long Beach with all of it.  Fun stuff.

During the last few days I’ve played – and beat – Final Fantasy IV (the j2e translation, not the official one, because the unofficial one is pretty funny).  I’m thinking about starting Final Fantasy V, or perhaps some other game.  Or I might just continue on with Final Fantasy XII, except I can’t play that in my room right now.

So Julian and I are starting to go on a search for a Nintendo Wii.  I don’t think we’ll find one any time soon, and if we do find one, I’ll consider ourselves lucky.  Note that I don’t mean going online and paying $500 for a $250 console.  I’m not doing that.  I can wait a few more weeks, or even a few months rather than paying double the price.  But anyway…  I really want a Wii.  Mostly for Zelda.  We also want to get Dance Dance Revolution.  Should be fun.

Oh, I got dragons for Christmas.  My brother made this dragon snowglobe-like thing out of the glass shell of a large light bulb and paint stirring sticks glued together and carved down.  It’s really neat.  Then my mom got me two dragon figures and a dragon wall kite thing.  Cool stuff.

I’m also totally stoked about the Harry Potter book.  Name has been announced…  now when the hell will it be released??  It better not be delayed until 2008.  I want to read the damn thing NOW!  Those books are like crack…

Anyway, this may be the last entry of the year for me.  I can’t seem to manage making daily entries for some reason, so there’s no guarantee I’ll make one tomorrow.  If not, happy New Year!

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December 30, 2006

Long Beach is amazing! That’s totally cool you’ll be living out there! I was out in Cali over Thanksgiving and I first saw the ocean at Long Beach.

December 30, 2006

Awwww, congratulations to you two love birds!

January 1, 2007

Oh no. We’ll have to share one book! OK, so I abdicate my privilege to be the first of us to read it since I’m not as fast as you. You’d be waiting FOREVER for me to finish it. Just promise you’ll read it quickly so I can start! Kara says yes to sushi on Friday. Camille can’t cause she has a date. Oh, and I got better balcony seats on Friday for the show. 🙂