End of School

My semester is almost over.  That also means that my school career is almost over.  Unless I go back to school for teaching certification or something, that it.  After having been in the school system since I was 5 years old, in just a week I’ll be done with it.  It’s actually a little sad, and a little scary, but exciting at the same time.

The most exciting part of it all is that I get to start living my life out with Julian.  December 19th is our 1 year anniversary, but unfortunately we’re not going to be together for it.  We’ll celebrate it on January 4th when I get to see him next.  I’m kind of sad about missing the anniversary.  But on the very positive side, after the 4th, I’ll be with him indefinitely, and that makes me very happy.

I’ve already taken one of my exams.  My first final in graduate school and I totally aced it.  To tell the truth, graduate school is easier than my last couple of years of undergraduate school.  It’s just less structured.  It’s pretty easy to do the assignments and such if you can adapt decently well.  So next week, I just have two exams, an intelligence test report, and a worthless little paper to turn in.  Then I’ve got to finish up my practicum traineeship with the annoying head-injured guy.  I think I’m going to try convincing him to go to the Human Bodies exhibit that’s in Dallas now.

I’m really going to miss the people in my program.  We have a lot of fun together, and it’s really been the first time that I’ve gone out with a group of people and had that much fun since leaving high school.  I’m going to miss our weekly "Grey’s Anatomy Nights" and periodic trips to a bar.  The people in my program are what I’ll miss the most about leaving Texas.

Anyway, I’ve got to get going to some stores.  I really need to start making sure everything is in place for me to leave.  I’ve kind of put off a lot of stuff…  Maybe I’ll be able to write more often.  Or maybe I won’t have anything more to write.  I tend to be boring.  Certainly not as interesting as some people here who sound like their lives are written by a best selling fiction author.

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December 9, 2006
December 9, 2006

RE: Your last sentence. Maybe their lives were so written. 🙂 – – – –

December 9, 2006

ahhhhhhhhhh good luck on being a real adult!

December 10, 2006

goodluck with it all! keep us posted on how things change 🙂

December 10, 2006

congrats on your upcoming 1 year anniversary — a true milestone for any gay boy pair in our age!