Diablo, not dildo

One of Julian’s friends (well I guess I can call her my friend too) was supposed to IM me last night so we can play Diablo II (That’d DIABLO, not DILDO, Tom).  She didn’t IM me though.  Maybe we’ll play some tonight.

Jules has been visiting his grandparents this weekend.  In an hour or so, he’ll probably be leaving to return home and he’ll call me up and we can talk for another 4 hours.  He said that during the summer sometime, he wants to go with me to Vegas.  I’m watching this show on the Travel Channel called "Vegas Dos and Don’ts.  It’s pretty neat.  I’m sure that Julian is aware of most of the things in the show considering he’s gone there several times.  But it does seem like a really really fun place to go and just wander around in a drunken stupor.

By the 21st, I need to write a 2-4 page social observation paper for social psychology.  I’m supposed to just observe some interesting social event and then explain it in terms of some of the theories we’ve discussed and read about in our textbook.  I have to figure out something to observe and write about.

Oh yeah, and I officially got accepted to the clinical health psychology program at the University of North Texas.

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Go to something wild; like a flag burning or a big gay rights rally! Make it controverial! And congrats 🙂

March 12, 2006

woo getting accepted! and ryn: NO I DON’T SO BITE ME!