Christian nation

What is this I hear about people claiming that the United States is a Christian nation?  Where in the Constitution does it say "We the people of the Christian States of America…?"  What happened to the legally binding, unanimously passed Treaty of Tripoli of 1797 which states clearly that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion?"

Why do I hear about these people who moan about the injustices done to Christians because they aren’t allowed special treatment?  Special treatment like having their religious beliefs posted in federal and state buildings rather than the beliefs of Buddhists or Wiccans.  Where is the Constitutional amendment proclaiming that Christians have the right to have their religious beliefs elevated above those of other people by placing the ten commandments in courthouses and leading entire public schools in Christian prayer?

Our citizens are apparently so gullible that when someone says "we live in a Christian nation" everyone believes him.  This is how some really ridiculous stories come to be circulated.  People believe what they are told without actually thinking about it.  For example, some years ago, there was this myth about NASA supposedly doing some kind of backwards calculation of the solar system and somehow finding some missing time that made the equations go all wonky.  According to the story, one of the scientists on the team was a Christian and remembered some stories from the Bible in which God made the Sun stand still and go backwards for a bit, and this accounted for the "missing" time that the NASA computers were finding.  This story is complete nonsense, of course, but people are so willing to believe such ridiculous things if it seems to support them  that the story spread far and wide in some form or another for nearly 70 years.  Likewise, a myth about how the United States is a Christian nation has been told and spread among the gullible masses.

Similarly, stories about marriage (yes, I really care about gay marriage) has been spread around.  Because of these stories people like me are denied the rights that other people take for granted, such as the right to the material possessions of my partner if he were to die.  I would only be guaranteed these memories if he left them in a will and then I would be required to pay taxes on them – something a heterosexual married couple would not have to worry about.  Additionally, I wouldn’t be guaranteed the right to visit him in the hospital and make decisions about his car if he were left unconscious because I’m not considered family by the state or federal government.  But who cares about my new boyfriend and I having the same rights as heterosexual couples.  All that matters is that we preserve the traditional marriage.  Here’s where the myth comes in.  Somehow, people have come to believe that marriage has always been like this.  Divorce has always been legal, whites have always been allowed to marry blacks, and marriages were always between couples who loved each other and never arranged based on political or economic strategies.  Yes, by all means we much protect the traditional form of marriage from the horrible gays who will completely destroy it.

Further, there seems to be the growing myth that everyone is out to destroy Christianity.  We’re attacking on all fronts, it seems.  We’re attacking creationism by forcing our kids to learn about evolution, not because evolution is the theory best supported by all of the evidence science has discovered, but specifically because scientists and educators hate Christianity.  We’re attacking the traditional family by trying to force everyone to accept gay marriages and allow gay couple to adopt children, not because gay people deserve the same rights, but so we can destroy the family, which is fundamental to Christianity.  We’re attacking the culture of life by allowing women to have abortions, not because women have the right to make decisions about their bodies, but because we want to kill as many fetuses as we can to prevent them from becoming Christians.  We want the war in Iraq to win, not because the war is doing more harm than good, but because we support the terrorist in their efforts to kill all Christians out of jealousy and hatred for their way of life.

So I’ll conclude this entry by asking all of you out there to pray for this great Christian nation of ours and keep all of those pagans from destroying our compassionate, righteous way of life with their sinfulness.  ::rolls eyes::

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December 23, 2005

You ROCK! Funny how convenient some people’s understadning of history is. Seventy years ago I might not have been allowed to marry Puppy in some states. But yes, lets keep the glorious “tradition” of marriage alive and well. If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to sell my sister to a fur-trader in exchange for 12 acres of his land : P

December 23, 2005

ha i love your entries like this

Modern America has always been referred to as a Christian nation beause it was founded by a few Christians who were trying to get away from persecution. With that said, I believe everyone should practice their own faith and let others practice theirs without worrying about what faith other people are. Merry Christmas. Monica

December 23, 2005

I, for one, would be more than happy to destroy Christianity. But that’s certainly not my main prerogative. Someday gays will be just as equal in this world as blacks (except for backwoods areas where the KKK still lingers, as do hordes of homophobes). It will be a great day for humanity.

December 23, 2005

The problem isn’t Christianity. It is Christianity as a political force in contemporary America. Just as Muslims are not a problem, it is Islam as a political force that poses issues. I may get flak, but I’m an Aussie Christian. I respect people’s rights to believe what they will, even though I may not agree with that. The issue is when BELIEF is translated into POLITICS, and forced upon ppl

December 24, 2005

well done…

December 24, 2005


December 24, 2005

Jesus probably took it in the ass. I mean come on! 12 disciples? Sheesh.