What is there to do in WalMart?

I should let you know up front. I love the f-word. I don’t use it too profusely, but if it offends you, I’m sorry. But, hey, sometimes you’ve just gotta drop an f-bomb.

Today was a mess of serendipity — the good kind. I lost my Algebra book last week, which sucks. Especially since it was a rental. I’ve called the lost and found twice. Nothing. The second time I called, I just muttered "Fuck that fucking peroxide fucking blonde," after I hung up. She will get some terrible karma for just leaving it there. Whore.


Anyway, I discovered that I can use the online copy I got with this MyMathLab program I’ve been using to help me out. Math and I don’t get along. I’m good at it, but sometimes, I can’t quite make the concepts sink into my long-term. I think it’s mostly selective. I really don’t like math. But anyway, I found out that I could just use the eBook. The entirety of the textbook is there. I was stoked. All I have to do is pay for the rental. I won’t have to buy a new one! YESS!

Afterward, in my PoliSci class, I had a few incidents. I actually looked at my chair before I sat down and narrowly avoided a spider. And a panic attack. It was fucking huge. And scary. And arachnid-y. Just…ew. I’m terribly arachnophobic. So I sat on the other side of the room, and ended up speaking more in one hour than I have for the whole of the semester! As it turns out, I’m good at finding things in textbooks. The very reason why I can slack off and still do so well on tests. Because I’m awesome.

After some little things, like getting good seats on the train and getting a ride from Casey’s mom, the two of us went to WalMart. Actually, it was one of our new routine outings: Fast food (Jack-in-the-Box and strange conversations), It’s a Grind (more caffine than we should ever have, ever), and WalMart. We told more "That’s What (S)he Said" jokes than is socially acceptable; we fought with foam swords; we found random parking lot balloons; and we gossipped more than I’m sure Sarkis would like. It’s what we do best. ðŸ™‚

I asked her about the Double, about whether she and Sarkis even mentioned it to Luis. Not only did he bring it up, but Luis thought it was a good idea. I love hearing things like that.

This weekend, I have to buy some new dresses. One for the Double, and one for Melissa’s Quince. Melissa (part of Melissica) is one of the sweetest, silliest girls I’ve ever known. I met her last summer, and she instantly became one of my favourite people. Jessical, the other half of Melissica, is basically the same girl, just blonde and more than a little ADD. The two of them are interchangeable, but in a good way. They’re the same person, and I love them both. They’re like little sisters, or pets or something. ðŸ™‚

So a subtly eventful day. It’s the little things, you know? They’re what make me happiest.

On a side note, my nails are not happy with me. That’s what I get for peeling my polish off. It’s one of my worst habits. But at least I don’t bite them anymore!

Well, I’m off to make my lunch, pack my bag, get my clothes together, and pass out.

It’s a plan.

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September 21, 2010

I love math. good life skills. I to was terrible. but thats what made it fun. 😛 cause if you’re wrong in math, you’re just wrong, no way around it. it’s good to practice always being right.

September 22, 2010

Ew. Spiders. Seriously hate them! All they do is eat flies and I’m pretty sure there’s a thing called a fly-swatter so we can definitly live without useless spiders 🙂 WalMart sounds like fun! And That’s What She Said jokes will never get old! I peel nailpolish off too. I spend so much money on different colours when I only wear it for 1day max. Silly, really.

What’s a Quince? And do no worry about the F bomb it’s ok. Ye should hear me brother Jessie in a rant! F is almost everyother word. Glad ye had fun at Wal*Mart even if they steal yer soul. 🙂 Oh an a wee warning about some of my entires…they can be graphic. Oh and good thinking with the Algebra problem and aye curse the big breasted bimbos of the world.

And that’s like the Mexican sweet 16 right? Only at 15

September 23, 2010

I hate hate hate HATE WalMart! I use to work there and believe me I know understand why people blow up office buildings! 🙂 And Spiders are disgusting! What type of dresses are you thinking of buying?