Oh, hey. I’m alive.

 Not that there was anything to worry about, really. I have no good excuse.


  • Luis thing is done with. It just fizzled to the point where I don’t even care. The only thing that reminded me was the fact that I went back and read a few posts.
  • Casey and I went to the Warped Tour in July. It was fantastic.
  • I went to Carpinteria, also in July. Also fantastic.
  • I turned nineteen and celebrated at the mall with cake. That was fun.
  • I’ve passed all of my classes and I’m currently taking sociology, math, chemistry, and critical reasoning.
  • I’m not sure where I’m transferring to anymore. I have to take another semester at COC because critical reasoning does not count as a critical thinking class. Go figure.
  • I had purple hair for three weeks. I really want to re-dye it.
  • I still can’t drive.
  • I’m kind of into a new guy, Noel. We knew each other in high school, and we reconnected through Erika, funny enough. One of her friends is in a band, and when we went to their show, I found out that Noel is in the band, too. We’ve been talking a bit, and I even got him to go to a show in Santa Clarita the Saturday before last. It was nice. I hope something good happens there.

That’s it! It’s been a year, and you haven’t missed much. At all.


I’ll try to keep you caught up (if anyone is still reading at all). In the mean time, do you think you could get me caught up in your lives, neatly and quickly? Thanks.

Oh, and hello. šŸ™‚

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April 11, 2012

You’re back!! Long time no see! You’ve done a lot more in a year than I have šŸ™‚ Purple hair would be so cool, wish I was gutsy enough to dye my hair! Good to hear from you!