My fellow commuters are odd. In an odd way.

I’m so tired today that it’s a wonder I’m still awake. Today has been an off day. Not a bad day, not by a longshot, but just off. Like I almost fell asleep in math. And I kept trying to tell this guy that I gave him two quarters, when I really gave him two nickles, but it didn’t matter anyway because I gave him one coin too many when I was buying my lunch.

Meh. I just need more sleep.

I’m a firm believer in destiny. Call it karma ("Get it? Car-ma? Har har har!"), call it fate, call it a gift from the universe, I believe in it. I am really, really cynical, and I no longer believe in the pure goodness of humanity, but at the same time, I’m an optimist, through and through. I take the smallest wonders and turn them into flawless moments I was given by the gods. I can see the beauty in everything.

This entry really doesn’t have anything to do with an event today. Today wasn’t that exciting. I spent most of it reading Nylon, studying for a test, taking said test, and almost falling asleep in math. There’s no fate in there, really. I’m just rambling. I have words in my head.


Take my friendship with Casey.

Our last names both start with the letter S. Freshman year, our biology seated the class alphabetically. Of course, Casey was sitting across from me. Four days later, we were best friends. Five years later, we’re the same person. It’s so funny how such a little thing as classroom seating can lead to a leading character in your life. And if it seems like I bring her up a lot, it’s because I do. I admittedly have very few people in my life. It’s not a bad thing to me. I’m a very reclusive person, and so having a small group of really close friends is my thing. I could never act the part of the social butterfly. So the people I do become friends with tend to become really good friends because I nurture those relationships very closely. They get so much of my attention.

So I love how something trivial and meaningless ends up becoming something wonderful. I wouldn’t have fallen in love with my favourite band (Cold War Kids) if I hadn’t seen their CD in WalMart.

It’s the little things that lead me to believe that fate is real. Yeah, there’s nothing too special about finding a great band via WalMart, but what about teaching my niece that it’s not only okay to be different, but cool? I don’t say anything about it. I don’t act like I’m an amazing person because I’m an oddball. But the one time she’s seen me around non-relatives/non-Casey-types was the one moment that made her want to be something novel and interesting and weird. I find that significant.

I don’t know, maybe it’s all really just a lie we’re told to keep us believing in something that doesn’t exist. But I don’t think that’s true.

At the very least, I really, really hope it’s not.

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See…MORE fun at Wal*Mart!!! (>_<) lol. I get what ye mean by a tired day, that’s how I am at the moment too. So exhausted I can barely move and yet fer some reason I don’t feel like sleeping…. I’m weird

September 24, 2010

Hey, just realised you left me some notes on old entries 😛 yea, I do like Poe, I understand his prose better than his poetry but it sounds pretty so wtf 😉 I love the 100 Monkeys, I am definitely saving up to fly over for a gig 😛 I believe in fate, when people fall in love so much, with evolution and survival of the fittest etc. (plus the fight of gametes lol) its a wonder that we actually…

September 24, 2010

made it into the world in the first place. I mean, our DNA only just came in by the off-chance. All the odds, all the illnesses and wars and poverty of the past plus millions of years of natural selection… and here we are. So it just makes incidences like finding your best friend in the same country, town, school, class, row of seats… so much better xxx

ryn: 🙂 Thank ye lass. That note actually made me laugh. Maybe I should just invest heavily in a dictonary or spell check 😀

September 24, 2010

ryn: Actually it was Lion King where Timon and Pumba are talking about grumbs…”I love grumbs!….not like…LOVE!” hehe And thank you for the notes btw. You write really well too. I sometimes have an issue with getting the words from my brain out my mouth so I put them on paper. 🙂 And there’s nothing wrong with being an oddball. Normal is over rated. 😀

September 24, 2010

I believe in destiny too. I mean, how could you not? There’s so many examples to support it. ryn: I am really excited to read that book now 🙂