Life is exciting when you’re me.

Well, okay. Let’s make this short and sweet. Because I can. Oooh, yeah. 🙂

I turned in my English essay yesterday for revision after I made a million little notes all over it. I basically edited it myself — the girl who revised my essay didn’t touch the front of it, saying that I should just do what I already made notes about.

I hung out with Casey yesterday. We did our weekly outing: Fast food, coffee/Italian cream soda/Wal-Mart. Our dinner consisted of wings from Pizza Hut. I at least had a Diet Coke. Hahaha. At WalMart, we played with foam swords and hula hoops, worked out in the aisle where they sell fitness equipment, and had a contest to see who could grab the Sunchips bag with the least amount of noise. She won.

Have I mentioned that we’re in college?

I stayed home today. For the past few days, I’ve been getting really dizzy, completely out of nowhere. This morning, it was so bad that I had to grab onto my desk before I fell onto it. That would have hurt. My mom thinks it has to do with my sinuses, and I think I agree. They were hurting this afternoon. Damn genetics and allergies, damn them to Hades.

The date was postponed for Saturday instead of Friday because I decided that a Saturday mall trip would be more fun than a Friday-night dinner/movie date. I mean, come on. The mall is fun, especially when you’re us. I have to remember to remind Casey to remind Sarkis to remind Luis to bring his flash drive. He wants me to give him music.

I painted my nails turquoise, and I feel pretty awesome.

I’m not sure if I’ll play Bioshock or The Sims right now. I think I’ll play Bioshock first — I don’t like playing it at night. Hahaha. I’m a wimp.

And that’s about it.

I’m going to have lunch right now. Yummm.

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October 3, 2010

Honestly sounds like the best hanging-out session in the history of ever.