It breaks my heart—you’re wearing cardigans!

 Misfits is far too quotable, and I’ve been listening to Iwan Rheon for the past week or so. It’s quite lovely. I’m so glad Casey led me to my latest obsession. She can have Robert Sheehan/Nathan. I’m keeping Iwan/Simon/Barry/Future Simon to myself.

We’re so spectacularly weird, and so susceptible to fangirldom.

I need someone. I’m lonely, and that’s all there is to it. I miss flirting with someone, having the possibility of things going brilliantly. I need that sweet, dark-haired guy with a good sense of humour. I need him to want to go to aquariums with me, to get shakes at In-N-Out, to go to the beach for the day, to go to Saddleback Butte on a clear night. Someone who won’t panic when another fairytale falls to pieces, someone who will talk to me every day, someone who will want to just point in some random direction and drive for hours and just luxuriate in freedom. I need someone to want me as much as I want them. I want to want someone that much. I just want to fucking fall in love.

I don’t know, I just get lament-y and think too much at night. I obsess over stupid things that I have no say over, whatsoever. I just want something to actually happen in my life.

I’ve told Casey that I’m going to "be a man" this semester, and that I’ll give three guys my number before the semester ends. I’ll go through it, I know that, but who says that it means anything to anyone? What if I give my number to a guy in my class, and he doesn’t call? Will I have to go through a whole semester just feeling fucking awkward?

I go through my life just worrying about things that might never happen. I’m ridiculous. I just have to actually, you know, do things. Soon. That’s all there is to it.

"Take these thoughts and feelings to the grave."

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January 26, 2011

I love getting obsessed with t.v series, even though it means I’m constantly sounding like a fangirl haha I’m lonely too and am ridiculously afraid that I’ll be alone forever and ever : Hopefully something/one amazing comes along this year for you. xx

January 31, 2011

I know how you feel, I have been lonely too, I just wish I find someone soon.