I think there’s an 80% chance that I’ll fail math.


My mom will be so mad. I failed two classes in high school because I didn’t turn in my work. Or actually do my work, for that matter. I am a horrendous slacker.

Lack of homework will be the very thing that makes me fail. Of this I am certain. I have a very low D in my math class. I’ve turned in three homework assignments of maybe twenty. I have been working on it, though. Thank the gods she takes late work at half-credit.

I also have to re-type up my English essay, turn it in online, print it, and give it to the teacher tomorrow. It was due today.

I have less than a week to start and complete my newspaper project for my Polisci class.

The only class I’m not dying in is Art History.

I need to stop being such a fucking slacker. Next semester, I think I’ll only take three classes, but I can’t allow myself to do this! Ugh.


I sent Luis a message over Facebook yesterday. He replied a few hours ago, and I’m not going to lie, I was grinning like an idiot for far longer than I should have.

I feel like a silly teenage girl. Of course, I am a silly teenage girl, but it also helps that I’m basically emotionally retarded.

He wants to see me again. He said so in a very enthusiastic message, complete with exclamation marks. 🙂

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October 5, 2010

I know I’ve said it a million times but I’m going to say it again: maths is the worst. I’m in the easiest maths class and I still struggle to get through everything. Oh well. It isn’t the end of the world if you fail, which I’m sure you won’t 🙂 Hehehe I love messages that make you smile! And Luis sounds very smile-worthy 🙂