Guess who’s getting 3.5 hours of sleep tonight?

 I’ve had three blogs on OD—this is my third. It’s an absolute trip to read my older journals, especially my first one. I’m reading through it, and all I can think is that this girl, the one shivering in bed and very decidedly staying up way too late, is not the same as the thirteen-year-old freshman that’s still best friends with Valerie. I was the girl who hated the fact that she’d never had her first kiss; now, I couldn’t care less. Yes, I’m eighteen, no I haven’t been kissed, and I’m not freaking out about it. Before, I just wanted it for the sake of having it. I wanted a boyfriend because everybody else had one and it would make me so cool, but now, I want something significant. Something real, you know?

And frankly, I’m just glad that I don’t use blinding font/background colour combinations. That is scary, although it’s nothing compared to my Twilight fangirldom. I swear to you, 70% of all posts have some reference to the books. Although I was never a "Robert Pattinson, you’re my dreamboat!" kind of girl, I was definitely an "Edward from the books specifically, you’re my dreamboat!" kind of girl.

I don’t even know. I’m too tired to be nostalgic and make much sense at all.

One of the best parts is reading through and seeing the names of people that I barely remember or care about. Back then, those people were so extremely important to me, and it makes me wonder who I’ll look back on twenty years from now and have difficulty remembering.

Is it seriously 2:15? Ugh, do I have to get up at six tomorrow? And why can’t the train come at a better time so that I don’t have to get up so early for a 10:30 class?

Did I seriously end every entry with "Lotsa Luv" and my old superhero name? Seriously?

Seriously, don’t mind this post. Far too much rambling. I honestly don’t even know why I’m still awake. I’l do us all a favour and save this. Gods, save us all from the atrocity that is this post.

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February 22, 2011

I was definitely an Edward from the book fangirl. Robert Pattinson makes me want to puke! I like the rambling haha