Grape Juice.

Okay, so I hung out with him on Monday. And, since I know you’re dying of curiosity (I’m interesting, right?), I’ll share.

He picked me up from the campus and we went to the mall. We wandered for a bit, unable to decide where to eat, until we finally chose Johnny Rocket’s. The waiter came up to us three times before we could choose what we wanted, since we spent most of our decision-making-time talking. Finally, the waiter took our order and we ate out meals. We spent the whole meal talking about, well, half of everything. Religion, how we met Casey and Sarkis, our parents, mythology. It was amazing.

After that, we went to Tilt, where we played air hockey. He pretty much slaughtered me, 7-1.  But I won at the other game, this silly carnival-ish shooting game. I won us little plastic frogs.

Then, we wandered around the mall and decided that he should be Jasmine for Halloween.

Then, we went to this little candy store that sells random bottles of soda and just sat outside, talking even more and doodling. Seriously, it’s ridiculous how much time we spent talking. But, of course, in the best possible way.

Finally, he took me to the train station, where we talked even more before I left. It went so well.

Needless to say, Casey was absolutely stoked.

We’re going out Friday, on a double date with Casey and Sarkis. We’re gonna go see My Soul to Take. Oh, my gods, life will suck. Haha. But, as Casey tells me, "Psht, you can just hold onto Luis."

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October 13, 2010

Glad you had a good time (: !

October 14, 2010

RYN: Omg, I’m jealous! It’s my friend’s cat Toulouse and I have never met a more self-assured, posh feline haha. Ahh sounds like things are going well 🙂 good conversation is the best thing to have with someone else xxx

October 14, 2010

Ryn: You’re welcome(: And haha really? I’ve decided i’d put a song in the beginning of every entry.. i’ll be following you !

October 15, 2010

:O I can’t believe I missed this entry! Sounds so cute hehe he seems like a great guy!