And you’ll fall for every empty word I say.

Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I don’t even know. It’s like the male population decided to make my life an awkward place, all at the same time.

Okay, well, maybe not. I just like to exaggerate things.

First, it was Noel and that text and the fact that I haven’t spoken to him since last week. Not gonna lie, I feel kind of bad. Save the, uh, wolf thing, he’s fairly normal. I’ve known the guy since I was thirteen! Maybe if I don’t look at him as boyfriend material, but rather, guy-I-could-possibly-be-into material, that will change it.


I hope.

But then today.

I swear, that boy has the best/worst timing known to humankind. I’ve just hit this state where I don’t even understand my feelings.

I hadn’t spoken to Luis since December. We chatted over Facebook a little, and it felt supremely awkward for me. He was calling me cute and funny, and he was carrying on about needing a hug from me. I was ignoring the compliments and telling him that I couldn’t hug people while playing Tetris. I got off the hook, but then today, on the way to the bus, guess who flagged me down and offered me a ride to the train station!

If you guessed Luis, then you would be correct. Revel in that.

I didn’t feel that awkward because I am well and truly over him. I wouldn’t mind being his friend, but he’s insisting on hanging out sometime, and I had to lie about getting a new phone when I said that I didn’t have his number. True story: I deleted it. Sorry, but if you don’t talk to me (at all) for months at a time, I get bored, and I just don’t want to hang out. And when I say that I wouldn’t mind being his friend, I really mean his Facebook friend. I’m just beyond caring. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of him suddenly jumping in when I forget about "Oh, hey, maybe…" and find another guy to fixate on. Or few other guys. You know.

And yet, here I am, thinking that we should hang out at the Valencia mall one of these days so I can ask him why he never held my hand or anything.

I just want to bash my head into a wall.

Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll just flirt with a cute drummer and hope against hope that he’s not as off as the others.

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April 30, 2012

Hmm tricky :/ it seems like you’re stuck in the middle. Maybe you should just go one way or the other; either tell him how you feel about not hanging out (cos guys are terrible at getting hints) or actually hang out with him and ask him everything that’s bothering you. Or both! That could sort everything out! The former suggestion after the latter obviously xxx

May 3, 2012

Haha fair enough 😛 I guess it saves aggravating it! 🙂 xxx