minnesota: vote 2008
The polls will be open in 37 short days!
I might throw my TV out the window before November.
The 2008 race for president is distracting, but the MN race for senate is going to put us over a cliff. The comercials are obnoxious and Al Franken’s voice is like a cross between Fran Dresher and a car alarm. He talks about taxes, healthcare, oil, and Norm Coleman’s misplaced dedication to George Bush, but all I can hear is…..
"I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it…people like me."
Why do they call it a race? I think they should race. "On your mark..get set…go!" Maybe they could arm-wrestle.
Maybe they could have a dance-off. "Look ma! I’m on Bandstand!" American Idol is definitely not an option. Al Franken’s voice isn’t going to improve with music. But this never stopped our Bob Dylan. (Maybe HE should run for MN senate.) I don’t beleive our Bob could run very very far before he hacked up a lung or before his heart exploded.
How about our PRINCE!? (as in…The Artist Formally Know As…..) He has a nice voice, but I’m pretty sure he would lose the arm-wrestling portion of the compettion.
If a MN comedian is going to run for senator, our Louie Anderson should do it. His voice is annoying too, but he’s funny. I can’t see him running a foot race, dancing, or singing…or arm-wrestling…or wanting to be a MN senator.
Sometimes our local press will use the phraze, a fight for the senate seat. Now that would be funny. We could throw Coleman and Franken in a pit and let them fight to the death. How long would it take to BITCH SLAP someone to death? (The polls will open in 37 short days!)
Fighting for a seat…..hmm…sounds like…. a Xtreme Sports version of full-contact ,musical chairs. CAGE MATCH STYLE! If we charged admission, we could buy all the available air time from the networks, replace the stupid campaign ads, and run comercials for Jesse Ventura’s new reality show. "I’m Jesse The Body Ventura and I approved this mesage." (Isn’t that the wrong ussage? I approve of this message or I authorized this message. (I must think about this.))
Since I have been writing this entry, I have watched 13 comercials for these two goons. (I wonder if I can lift my TV by myself.)
Since I started editing this entry…I have seen 6 more….
Go well,
Word, sister!! Im so glad I dont have TV
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