
I am feeling stronger everyday! Today I was able to vacuum the kitchen and livingroom. They both needed it badly.  I also have hired a housekeeper. She begins on the 16th. First I will have her do a deep clean to start. She will come every other week.  Her charge is reasonable. The deep clean will cost more but it includes a lot more that just the biweekly.

I am also going to start phase 2 of cardiac rehab. They called today and I go in on the 12 th for orientation. Then I go 3 days a week. I was told to plan on being there 2 hours each day. 1 hour is spent on exercise and monitoring my heart to make sure it stays happy while I am working out.  The second your is all about food and how to follow a very low fat diet. Unfortunately, I am pre diabetic . So I have to cook using little sugar also.

The kids are still helping friend lot. They wash dishes, carry the libertarian and back up the stairs, and put away their own clothes.  There is more they do too. It just depends on what is to do after they come home from school.

I found I am getting better sleep now. I no longer have to wake up to use the bathroom. I think got off so much fluid from me while I was in the hospital that I no longer need to wake. Whatever the reason, it’s nice. am wake well rested.

More later….

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