
Brandon blows some of the dust off his OD and justs in up coughing in the giant cloud of dustbunnies.

Well, well, well…I haven’t been here in way the hell too long!

I don’t have a whole lot of time because I have gotten behind in immunology and have to play catch up.

My interview went very well, so I thought. I got to spend time with Memaw and ended up being a couple of minutes late for my one-on-one interview, but she cooked some kick-ass fajitas and the interviewers seemed to think that that was an acceptable reason. Everyone else there seemed extremely sharp, all good canidates. One of them, she ended up in my group project, drove down from WYOMING! Holy crap! But I guess it was the first round of interviews so I would expect the people there to be pretty dedicated.

I got my acceptance letter…filled with confetti on the morning of the eigth day after getting home from working the graveyard shift. I squealed like a little school girl and probably danced back to the appartment. I’m glad it was 7:30 on a sunday morning and no one else was around. I mailed them my $100 check to hold my place and whatnot.

Two weekends ago I went skiing and both days I felt like crap. Sunday night I felt terrible and began to develop a sore throat, which progressed into severe pharyngitis. My throat was so swollen and so painful that I couldn’t eat solid food for four days. My lymph nodes in my throat became massively swollen, so much so that you could see them across the room. I was feverish. In spite of all of this I still had to work the graveyard shift (except for the one day where I called in). The strep test came back negative. But I had bloodwork done…guess what I have contracted!

Infectious mononucleosis, better known as Mono! Everyone’s favorite kissing disease. Blood tests confirmed that I had elevated lymphocyte levels but no change in leukocytes and that I had elevated liver enzymes. Then the mono test itself came out positive. I’m still trying to figure out from whom I got it.

God I have so much work to catch up on, being sick has made being studious very difficult. I’ve missed reading everyone’s diaries and maybe I can do a little catching up now that I am horribly ill.

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congrats!! but why was it filled with confetti? heheh.

February 26, 2004

CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy for you! 🙂 🙂 Sorry about the mono…now who have you been kissing???? 😉

Huzzah for the acceptance…sucks to the mono. It wasn’t me that gave it to you, unless i’ve been sleepkissing again. *snicker* Aplomb aplomb aplomb.