word up.

I really am not happy with my design.

I am not happy with my management of the opera currently.

i am not happy that the faculty have officially threatened me about my shop hours..

if an actor doesn’t do their practicum, you dont pull them from the show they’re cast in… so why the fuck to they threaten that if i dont stay even with my hours then i’m pulled from the opera… any then yankees.

thats bullshit.

and the worst day to pull that on me. 

the downward spiral of this semeseter is already taking its toll.

starting to miss to many classes… i’m sick, i’m not responding to my alarm clock, i’m lonely.

I almost walked out of the shop completely after they told me that.

I alsmost left teh shop between 2 and 3 to go get a hug, but i knew i would break down, and i dont think that person is quite ready and expecting that from me.

fuck this.

thank god i’m done with jackson tomorrow. i can’t even look at it anymore.  I HATE some of it, i love some of it.  but i cant win.  that show is sort of  a downward spiral as well, in a differnt way.

fuck that.

thank you aim conversation right nwo, you just helped break the seal… breaking down hurts but it also feels so great.


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October 19, 2004

School sucks. I’m still your friend. 🙂

I love you 🙂 K