this weekend.

I did nothing.

Well, actually i did do some fun stuff… Saturday was absolutely nothing… hilight of the day would be looking up the cheat codes for simcity 3000 and building a ‘perfect’ city..

yeah.. i know that’s really really lame and geeky of me.

Sunday was way cooler tho… The family, sue, david and I went to Phantom in Madison at the new overture centure… we have balcony nose bleed seats that were wayy wayy to high.. but never the less it was a great show.  all the automation shit that came in and out of the floor really was the coolest tech part for me… one of my favorite bits was teh ‘stage tech’ who lights up the footlights… that was sweet. 

yeah i know… thats kinda lame and geeky of me.

afterwards my mom and I went to Ground Round to Meet up with the dance studio’s yearly post-auditions casting and gossip session.  I had a bit of a headache, so i stayed fairly quiet most of the time.  If anything, i have a job for two weeks in June if i dont get hired anywhere else… they want me to stage manage again after last year’s disaster.  I told them no,, but if i am in town, i’ll do their lighting.. (cuz it’s in the new JPAC… and i’m dying to 1) work in the space and 2) show off to the JPAC people… lol.

yeah i know… thats kinda lame…

today I was psudo-employed on a project for cheryl… CD-fying a bunch of records for use in their recital… It was a 10 hour project… not hard work… sitting there watching my computer capture music… adding fade=ins fade outs, fixing skips and crackles, putting in track marks for the CDs and burning… woo.  neverthe less thats the most productive i’ve been all break.

yeah i know…

and i did laundry.


tomorrows big goal… drop of finished cds @ studio… go to bank and cash … no no… deposit b-day money.


i thought of another useless but creative business plan to go with my book boxes… decorated keyboards!  basically i got bored with a sharpie… and thought.. hey i should do this to a bunch of keyboards then ebay them! 

yeah right.



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