putting the pieces back together.

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The past four days have been nothing but putting my life back together physically.  I spent a night rearraranging ten oh nine’s living room and dining room… It looks awesome… i only hope that I can get some support from teh rest of the house to finish this off and make it look super cool. 

Last night was all about dirty dishes.  When Amanda left, she failed to do her dishes… now i’m talking about 3+ HOURS of dishes…. and nasty stuff that has to be soaked for 20 minutes in hot water and so forth…. anyways, I did lots and lots of dishes… in fact, i did them on and off for about three hours and then i finished them up tonight… well… i haven’t put them away yet but still.

as it is, charles and I are taking some dishes for us to use, I am taking back all my pots and pans and utensils, and we are literally going to box up all the ‘extra’ unnecesarly dishes… amanda can have her 2-3 plates and bowls… thats it…. cuz then the mess wont get as big…

tonight i have been cleaning and packing all night…. I had to put away three weeks of now clean laundry… well, and pack half of it…  my desk corner has just been cleaned out…old notes and school work thrown out, records to be kept have been piled up ready to be taken home and reorganized over the break.

its kind of cold down here.

I really have been thinking lately alot about how my role in my world has changed since high school.  No longer am i the high honors student who was president of an organization and a role model and all that…. Now I struggle to even be noticed… or even appriciated for the work i do.  And really, the dreaming has mostly gone…

today i planned out my last chance/millikin choreography credit/dance production that would go up the weekend of march 5th and feature 1) rejected dance concert pieces, 2) any solo/small numbers by senior dance minors. 3) a couple dance pieces that I would choreograph that would never make the concert…. I would use the OLD pipedreams lighting system… more guerrilla lighting… use maybe the foliage backdrop junk along the back of the old gym dance studio… Black out the windows so when we start the show… people will actually be in total darkness for a moment… Use media center’s speakers and sound system… AKA LOUD good noise…. starting with the THX movie sound…. in the blackout…. how cool of a beginning would that be?!  …. followed by Korn’s Word Up…

fuckin sweet.

maybe it’ll happen.  I think i need to produce something of my own again…

my chain necklace just broke… i was pulling on it while reading another entry.. and it snapped… oh well… that’s the end of an era… i must have had this thing for 6 or 7 years….

oh wait… nevermind… i just snapped it back together… yay.

tomorrow morning i throw all this stuff in my car and drive to wisconsin… I hesitate to call it home… although i guess that will always be home, even if i have no room to call my own, and a past life that no longer makes much sense.

anyways, i must go finish packing and tear apart my computer…. I’ll be in jvl in 12 hours… oi.




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December 23, 2004