one week thank god.

bitch.. the windown reset itself and ate my entry.. grr to that.

it doesn’t really matter anyways, i was just complaining about my lack of a social life, followed by my complaining about how much money i don’t have. 

i really dont give a fuck about the party i’m throwing tomorrow… oh well… last night i made a list of about a dozen people i really should call and make sure they know about… mostly peole  i haven’t seen… ellie, skippy, wehinger, rachel laurin, christine, mitch, romanelli, reinardys (both ann and sara), and some of the others that i’ve only seen once or twice that i wasn’t sure if they knew about the damn thing…

but guess what… i dont give a fuck anymore… it’s kind of that status where if nobody cares to know what i’m doing or that i’m around, then i wont really go out of my way either… I have a feeling most peole dont give a fuck anymore and therefore we all just sit around miserable in jvl.

FUCK JANESVILLE… i’m going back to school in one week… and hopefully things will go really well and i wont have to come back to this god awful town just to be ignored again.  I’ll get a summer gig that starts two days after school gets out… and goes until school starts… NO JVL SUMMER TIME… people say… awww, but i’ll miss you… bull shit.

pissed off a little bit… ya think.


i’m just really fed up with a lot of things… not all janesville’s lack of social anything, but i guess thats where i’m putting all my negative energy… i dont want to put all my negative energy on my lack of money, or my foggy future plans, or my continuing problems with the single life. 

sometimes i think that i should go back to working in the nasco wherehouse… do theatre part time, find a regular wisconsin guy, and be normal.

and when i do that, i get scared, cuz i dont want to do any of that, but when the future looks as cloudy as it is, It really makes it difficult.

but enough of the pessimism side of me… i think thats been my problem through the past semester… i fell into a big glass of half empty.  well, screw all of you who did that to me… i’m going to look on the sunnier side of things… the happy side of everything.

i want to be happy.

and i can do it too… you just wait.


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my thoughts exactly.

dont worry, i know you can be happy. i love you and i can’t wait for you to come back and be my party buddy. i think things are never as bad as they seem. also, the single life is sounding pretty good right about now….i know you dont wanna hear that, but remember, boys are dumb throw rocks at them, bigger rocks make bigger bruises. ~_*

I absolutely genuinely wish i could come tonight, i miss you basement like none other… but my sister is playing in here basketball championship and my mother has dictated family time… but here’s to janesville sucks… and i hope that things look better soon- for someone so creative and wonderful, i am sure they will… jane

January 10, 2004

hey….take life one day at a time. just breathe. i’ll probably see ya tonight. :o)

January 10, 2004

I’ll miss you. And I hope you know I mean it.

January 10, 2004

hey! i’m coming home tommorow and i think i’ll only be there till tuesday, but i had better see you!!