
I like this ASMing stuff.

Rehearsal Day one:  Got to walk the actors over to the theatre… got to spend a lot of time sitting around… took some blocking notes, took some production requriement notes… but definetly know the music for half of the show already.  Wow, its amazing how easy it is to read music… I haven’t significantly done it since flute playing in 9th grade…. but its really easy to follow whats going on… i like that. That was one of my uncertainties going in…. not so much.

And the company director is hilarious!!  I’ll have to find some time later on to give you a total personality profile on Eric.  He truly is a character and definely a musical theatre type! crazy.

I’ve managed to meet almost all of the crew who are here now… mostly through the techie meet and greet last night as some restaurant, but also during the meeting today i met a couple others…

As for the cast, i’ve formally met about 8-10 people of the 30 person cast… I’ve got the names down on all teh principals and who they play, and i’ve got the names on about 6 of the 10 ensemble girls, but i only know 2 or 3 of the guys… that’s sort of a result of who’s been where throughout the day… oh well. 

At least I know Tara (scenic artist) and Troy (ensemble) are both Tulsa-ians… AKA they know the ins and outs around the cityscape… thats good..

AND OH MY GOD Tulsa is the easiest city to get around EVER!  the numbered streets and the names of teh big blocks are so easy.  incredible. you can find anything if its on one of the major grid streets.

In general, life is great here.  And in fact, I’m going to start reading again as a hobby… (what?! no! is that possible)… well, i must admit the first two books i dive into are 1) stage management (Just a freiendly refresher course) and 2) STage lighting design (pilbrows book), I never got too far into that…) … After that, who knows…

Anyways, 9:30 production meeting tomorrow… should get some sleep…. (8 hours? what??!!)

If things go this well all summer, I think I’ll be looking for an ASM job outta school rather than ME shit… musical theatre people atomosphere… so much nicer.



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May 19, 2004
