i want more.

1. I saw the guy i want a couple days ago.  And i wish i would of jumped him right there… grabbed him by his shirt collar and pushed him into the wall with me right there almost right in front of him. I could stare into his eyes and then give a long deep kiss… one where time and everything else going on would simply stop for those brief moments.  Upon breaking from that, we would stare into each others eyes for a moment, and I would tell him, not through words but through a daring facial expression, that he was mine. 

ah, but that isn’t what happened. no guts. what’s funny tho is that for the first time i actually feel more like i almost have the guts to do something rash and forceful like that…

theatre life sucks right now.  at least at millikin. dealing with bullshit major requirements and boring classes that suck the life out of me.  

There’s gotta be something better than this.

 Opera life is good.

Halloween sucks. I decided tonight that i’m not going with the house group.  really right now since i dont have a killer win idea, i’m not sure if i’m going at all.

i went grocery shopping today.  I bought only healthy things to drink, and apples and lots of other healthierish food.  … and 6 halloween cupcakes from teh bakery.

i put my pointe shoes on today.  I miss them. i miss ballet once and a while. 

taking at least three dance classes next semester… maybe four if i decide to take ballet 4 — which i think might kill me.. i have to ask around and find out if they think i could survive it…

hopefully tomorrow i get the light plot for garden…. i need to start working on it.

tomorrow nigth is study-cram a thon for shakespeare class… woo. can’t wait….

i think i might actually make it to every class this week… that will be a change for the better.

had a conversation with a friend of mine about their relationship woes. wow, i called them a friend… its an interesting point to ponder in this case.  We’ve been more open and friendly recently, due to a certain third party person who’s been causing both of us trouble to some extent.  That and we’re both seniors… which makes for some good ‘we’re almost the hell outta here’ moments.

okay. need to sleep. 8am production meeting.



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October 27, 2004

I wish i could help. please remember i am here if you need to talk to someone not connected with all that.