Back to reality.

so, in an attempt to get life back together, I’ve decided to return to home base… This silly little journal thing. 

I haven’t meant to neglect this oppertunity to disect myself.  It’s more like life kept moving and i didn’t have time to slow down and reflect.

Well, I dont really have time to reflect now either. But i’m making time.

After Tuesday, where i slept past my 8am, and then did mediocre at both intergrated and shakespeare exams, I realized that somewhere down the road i decided that my overachiever status wasn’t that important.  Either that or the time:work ratio evened out.  I used to do a lot of school homework, reading, asorbing knowledge, whatever… now i hardly do any.

But Now i’ve decided that i must find and write down at least one good thing for every day… I think it will help aleviate the pessisistic energy that radidates from Millikin.

Sunday night was pretty relaxed considering my design was due in 8 hours. I went to RTUC for caffeine and totally unexpected, Mike was there doing a radio show.  We talked for at least 10 minutes… it was a really good stress reliever. 

Monday I was on a post design/lack of sleep happy high.  I rode it until about 3pm in the afternoon when the costume shop started to bother me.  But then a bunch of people came in to the shop and life was suddenly better.  That is, until jana essentially yelled at me for not working… That ended up ruining these happy moments… I end up just holding that bigger of a grudge to the shop if i can’t stop and have a little fun for 2 minutes… my god… it’s not like i didn’t get all the projects i was given done for the day.

Tuesday, I also had a happy patch… mainly, jazz class.  Joe Machota was visiting, and he ended up watching our class.  Let alone that I love the combination we are doing right now… so, it kicked ass… it was one of those good dance days… And to top it off, as julie and I left the buidling, he actually complimented our level of dance.  That made me smile for the rest of the day.

Wednesday night was a good night. I think it was meeting the Decatur High school drama director as he went through my line at Cubs that really made my day.  That discussion we had was great.  Completely fate based, i met this guy and we talked about the shows, and I might actually look into working with the high school this spring… (the opera conflicts with the fall show, unfortunetly).  It was the perfect end to a bitchy day.

Thursday was not the best… infact, there really was nothing good until i decided at like 6pm to go be a work a holic in teh cadd lab.  (my room was too messy to work in).  i did intergrated, opera schedules, and a ton of other smaller random stuff.  It was nice.  Then around midnight i headed home and cleaned my room and made the cheat sheet for jackson.  Also, my hair looks awesome in a REALLY high pony tail. random. i know.

Friday i’m going to also be fairly productive… shop hours, opera detail work, jms, clean out my car, and who knows what else…

Saturday is light hang and focus….

I’ve decided that planning out everything sucks.  I want those random unexpected moments to come and go.  Fate has thrown me so many awesome curve balls this week, mostly ones that made me smile. 

i just decided to sharpie my wrist… it’s really cool… purple flames that fade to blue and light blue. really cool.



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