already left.

alrighty then.

Welcome to the New Chapter in Dawn Kenseth’s ridiculous life.  This chapter is entitled OKLAHOMA… and yes, you have to sing it… cuz I am doing musical theatre all summer.

Well, Like i said, i already left decatur… Yesterday, (Friday), was the most productive day i’ve had in a while… even though i was incredibly sick.. I got a cold/flu/stress/sickness that sucks.  But never the less, i dragged myself to a 9am designer meeting, and a meeting with john that was basically an ultimatium from jana/barb that they decided to funnel through him rather than talking to me directly. 

Does anyone find it odd that jana hasn’t bothered to even ask me about being behind in hours… It’s funny how they don’t assume anything is wrong… rather that i’m simply doing to many other things.  Bah. whatever.  like i said before, if i fall into that state when school starts up again, i’m going to a pyschaitrist or whatever… I really thing that i’ve got some symptoms of depression.  But since its now summer and 90% of the causing factors are now gone, i think i’ll be better…

if this cold goes away…

It’s funny… i’m not nearly as tired as i was in decatur… soemething about the soy-air.

Well, anyways, i packed up all my shit last night inbetween half hour long laying around cuz i had no energy.  I didn’t get my scene design done, along with another short paper… so guess what i’ll be doing tomorrow night… woo.  Charlie is going to get a third design done, not in his style, but with digital rendering… should be interesting.

I drove 7 1/2 to 8 hours today… it sucked…. left around 9:30am… got here around 4:30pm… give or take… more or less straight through… stopped for mcdonalds drive though, one rest area, and two gas stations and that was it.   Got to see St. Louis and the Arch… that was cool.   the rest of missouri was okay… Oklahoma is boring until you get to the city.

So far here we have Josh, who is the other ASM, and the production assistant who i cant remember her name.  The Production manager and stage manager are also here, but they live in a different apartment complex thing that is way way way higher class then what we have.  I feel like i’m living in newhalls again… the dorm rooms have that feel, with very similar wood and even teh window paning is similar.  It’s the honors house… like 40 people in one house… two floors… big living room area with a big tv/vcr/dvd hookup.  My roommate, who i found out is a carpenter is coming tomorrow… along with the rest of the cast/crew. 

This place sounds like its going to be a lot of fun… First off… rehearsal days are 11 to 11… but only 10 of the 12 hours… possibly less.   talk about my kind of set up… true, production meetings are at 9:30 two days a week, but 11 is amazing!! yeah!!!!  That and it sounds like we’ll have plenty of days off… usually monday is the off day… except for this first week…. and yeah… it’s just looking good.

Allow me to be a little vain for a minute, but i’m the fittest/smallest, of the stagemangement/production team thus far… I like that….As silly as it is, I’m really excited for tomorrow to get to meet (or SEE) who shows up… *cough Cough summerfling? cough cough*

Anyways, i need to sleep… 1) to get better and 2) cuz we are taping the rehearsal space at 9:30 tomorrow morning… (arg but oh well…  this ASMing ‘professionally’ thing should prove to be very entertaining/challenging/exciting… i’m either completly naive about how much i’m going to drown, or else this will totally kick ass.

Oklahoma… OK!

(Why the fuck am in oklahoma… hello random button! possibly the wierdest state to end up in for the summer, except maybe montana… but really, is there even summer theatre in montana?)



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May 16, 2004

there is summer theatre in montana… just not very much. my friend at northern actually loves montana and has spent summer there, but just for fun… random lighting has been on the side. but he’s spending the summer lighting in martha’s vineyard… lucky bastard… anyway, im very excited for your summer dawn. i hope it’s ten times more amazing than you can even imagine. 🙂 take care. katie*

May 16, 2004

have fun this summer 🙂 I’ll miss ya… are you going to be there all summer?

May 16, 2004

Hah, thats freaking awesome, I hope you have a blast and aim/e-mail me if you ever get a chacne!!