above the surface.

For the past two days i’ve been up before 8am. 

And actually got myself up, showered and primped before going to these theatre meetings.

Last Saturday night, i officially caught myself up.  Life had been ‘in the red’ and negative and behind for so many weeks, and finally saturday i sat down and caught myself up.  thank god.  its a better feeling too.  I’ve got a clearer path of what’s going on, and what there is to do.  I feel like i can actually sit back a little bit and enjoy stuff here and there now because i got this breath of fresh air.

and yesterday’s BEAUTIFUL weather totally put the entire campus into a much better mood.  it was the first day of spring.  … the day when everyone is outside any and every chance they get, and the windows are open and the sun is shining brightly and warming up your skin,… mmm… vitamin D or whatever.

2 1/2 weeks until spring break.  I’m not going to bristol as i had hoped…. parents say that its just a little to stressful on their lives and they dont really want to take eric out of school. Oh well…. it just means that i’ll come home for about 4 days and relax, and then come back to school and work on a variety of big to do projects.   I’m hoping i can get car privledges again …. being without a car is okay, but if you’ve read this OD for any amount of time, you’d know that i have a passion for driving (w/ music) as some sort of emotional release…

indeed… well, i must go to class now… i’m giving a product report… on TAPE! anything and everything you wanted to know about TAPE! masking, scotch, duct, carpet, gaff, glow, and so many more…. its cheezy and fun.  just my style.



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March 4, 2004

and your report was excelant! I’m glad you’ve caught yourself up, i will definitly be needing to do that by next thursday! Yeah for production weekends! 🙂