a beautiful playlist.

full of old music – but gorgeous music.  frank, nat, tom jones, ella, tony bennett, you get the point.

Jackson is officially done.

I’m not touching it again with a ten foot pole.  except friday when i go see it with mom.

tomorrow i can actually start to take on some opera responsibility. acutally start running that show.  I’m happy for that.  its an ounce of happiness in this world right now.  assuming that i can keep it.  It’s a moment away from teh theatre bullshit.

fly me to teh moon.  – possibly my favorite song ever… i love almost every cover i’ve ever heard.

i’ve thought about different ways i could “retaliate” about the shop hours situation.

1. do 8 and only 8 hours each week for the rest of teh semester… until the last week and make up all teh 13 at that week.

2. be a work-a-holic- and make up all teh hours i’m behind in two weeks…

3. not show up all week until a friday, and pull an 8 hour shift…. (this might actually happen on secret garden lighting weeks…)  this would be especially polictical if 1) i am there in teh morning waiting for jana to get there and unlock the place. and 2) if i’ve noticably not slept , and perhaps make mention that i haven’t slept, but goddamnit, i’m here doing shop hours even if it kills me.  no lunch either… that’d be a nice point too… just snacking all day.

night and day – ella. how i love you.

my relationship with a certain friend has sorta taken a turn for teh better as of late.  i only hope the show being up doesn’t put an end to that.  which i dont think it will, but the show rehearsals were our communication outlet.

aint no sunshine when she’s gone. –  such a dance piece waiting for me to do… i feel like its been done, and i can’t name who or when… either that or i’ve got it that far ingrained into my mind…

anyways, i must sleep.  i’m setting two alarms, i better get up tomorrow.




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October 20, 2004

glad things are a going a bit better. You’ll make it through, i’m sure of it. 🙂