Good morning and thoughts of you…

I wake up every morning, whether it be to go to work, or when my body naturally wakes me…and the very first thought that goes through my head – when will you be beside me? I miss you every day without fail, and think about you more often than I have ever thought of anyone. For the first time in my life I do not doubt the love another has for me, just as I do not doubt the love I have for you as well. Our time will come and it will be beautifully amazing when it does. When forced to wait for something we truly want, we learn a lot about ourselves. I have learned that my patience I have always known I have, runs so much deeper for you than I ever thought imaginable. I have learned that my soul was waiting for the right one, and you are that one and of that I am absolutely certain. Yes, some days are hard, and I am sure they are for you as well…but your love is the one thing I do not question because I know, and I will always know how you feel about me – even without words. I hope you always know the same of me as well.

This is not the most philosophical writing, but it is what was on my mind when I woke up so I wanted to share.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, make the best of it.

A thousand times over, my love ~ because you know exactly what that means.

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