3 types of religious relationships

As a former evangelical christian who attended a Greek Orthodox high school, an Assembly of God university, worked for a non denominational church, and a current Episcopal member, (wow all of that sounds scary when I see it written out) I have been thinking a lot about how the different religious experiences approach God. I have, so far, come to the conclusion that, in my experience and opinion, there are 3 approaches to God.

First, which I have seen most evangelical christians fall into, is the approach that God is in us, for us, about us, and in love with us. It is a way of thinking and reflecting inwardly. A relationship with God in this approach can be self reflective but also self centered. It puts the person at the center of their relationship. It can also place an incredible weight on ones actions, inactions, and thoughts which puts salvation at risk. Even evangelizing has an incentive of treasures in heaven. I believe this approach, in its extreme, can be a torturous and frustrating approach because no one is perfect and always focusing inwardly and doing things for selfish heavenly gain is quite egotistical. I must admit, I have the most experience in this camp and I, too, once subscribed to this belief.

Second is the approach that God is meant to be approached reverently and intimately. This approach is one where the worshiper prays to God and worships god, not simply for self gain, but because of a love of worship itself. One prays to God because they love God. Their attention and affection is focused upwardly. I have much respect for this. I also wish there was more. In some settings this can be where one gets so caught up in the worship that they forget to be kind to those around that do not practice the same as them.

The third is approach that God is found in doing works for others. This approach is on the rise in the christian community. People are realizing that the work of the church and even that of Jesus was to serve the people who need it the most. God is found in loving others, through helping the less fortunate by Jesus’ command to feed, heal, and clothe. This is definitely the camp I am currently in and although I believe in this way of getting to know God, I am not above poking holes in the system. I may be a bit too close currently to be able to be objective.

Are there any other approaches? I would love to know.

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