Wanna be my boyfriend?
So..anyway I felt like doing this boyfriend application thing.
I do it once every year..Here is this years. : )
Hair/eye color:
Do you smoke/drink:
Wear glasses:
Where is your birthmark:
Write two sentences to describe you:
Why do you think you make a good boyfriend?:
Can you dance:
Have any hidden talents:
Give back massages?:
Least favorite thing:
Most favorite thing:
How old were you when you were kissed for the first time?:
How do you kiss?
Lost your virginity?:
Do you like to argue:
Do you have any habits that the last girlfriend found despicable?:
Have you ever been called a player or a scrub:
What is your job?:
Do you have a car:
cat person or a dog person:
Have you ever depended on your girlfriend to take care of you:
Have you been told to grow up most recently?
Do you get attached to girls quickly?
Like video games? WHat kind?
Do you like oral sex:
Squimish about anything?:
How do you feel about bondage?:
One more question.Do you like me?
hehehe, shouldn’t the last question be the first? 😛
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