Something I wanted to write about for a while

We have a duty as parents to make sure that we can be in the best possible way,appropriate rolemodels.
We need to remember these things:
Children have eyes and ears.
We need to remember this because what we say can in the long run really mess our kids up.
How we live our life affects them.
Something as simple as how we dress,what we believe,what we eat,Who we date.
It greatly affects them.
Because even if we do not understand it.They love us.They depend on us and we are their role models.
Even if we do not act like it.

I understand this,I do not believe all mothers understand this.
For example.
One of the women I work with has a nine year old son. She has said in front of him that men are garbage.
What do you believe that teaches him? Can you imagine how much that fucks him up?
How about the fact she sleeps with over 75% of the railroaders that stay at the hotel and some of the time she will take her kids with her to work and leave them in a different room while she goes up stairs ad fucks some guy. What does this teach her kids? How can some one Do this?

I can not even imagine doing things like that. I can not even imagine it.
I do not want my son to believe that women are to be objectified and treated like garbage and in the same sense I would never say anything like men are garbage around my child.

My child will one day be a man. How I am,WHo I am and How I raise him will greatly affect what kind of man he will be.
I want to be able to hold my chin up high,smile happily and say that is my man I raised. Wouldn’t you?

 Be proud of your child.
Also. I believe if you are in a abusive relationship. You must get out. You must never let your child be around something like that. See something like that. You do not want even for a second for them to think that is how relationships are.
Teach them that relationships are about love,life and respect.
Not just by words. But by your actions..
Never raise your child by high standards.
Raise them with love and they will set thier own very respectable standards.

Also tell them every day you love them. Hug them and kiss them. Have time with them. Sing them a night song. Dance with them. Play with them. Get on thier level and let them know.
To you: They matter.

This song makes my heart hurt. The scariest thing is: This happens to children when it shouldnt have to.

(I have a less serious entry back one)

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I completely agree with you. I see the way people act or hear about it and it just floors me they would be that way around their children.

I couldn’t agree with you more. I see how the way my Aunt Paula acts around her kids (and has for their entire lives) and I see how it has messed with them so badly. I can’t believe some people are so selfish that they can’t live their lives as good as possible for their kids and why they have to go around and continue to eff things up for everyone involved. *HUGS*