Opeth and more of my insanity
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Anyway..I am seeing and hearing wierd crap still. Just wanted you to know not much has changed.
Anyway..Earlier when I was trying to sleep.My whole wall shoke and it sounded like someone was pounding on it and screaming. But no one did that. I am just out of my mind again.
I like this song. Alot.
especially now.Yep.
I appreciate all your notes if I dont get back to you it is not personal..
I am just going through crap in my head.
I havent had this happen in a while.Sort of disturbs me.
anyway..Poetry time.
Still visions in black and blue.disheartened me feels for broken you
The way the wound runs deep
I pour the salt in.I like to see your face twist
Twist Baby Twist.
Fuck it all.
I feel you are my enemy. Not like before. Oh no.
I hate being ignored.
Fuck it all.
I hope.I hope.You hurt. I hope you cry yourself to sleep.
I hope your life sucks. I hope it all sucks.
The way you give me this mental mind fuck
I want you to cry.
Into those cherrios you pissed in.
For you were never my friend.
I could never trust you. Never let you in.
So it isnt happy eh yeah.
..I hope this way i am changes by the 15th. I dont want to be a fucking nut job around boomer.That would suck.
Ps.I am putting the updated version of the story next.