Everyone is just a bore..

O’ SAILOR (by Fiona Apple)

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*Im undecided about you again.Mightn’t be right that you’re not here.
It’s double sided..Cause I ruined it all.
But also saved myself by never believing you..Oh my dear.
Everything good I deemed too good to be true.Everything else is just a bore.
Everything else I look forward to.Has a Pretty Painful and imposing before.
O’Sailor Why’d you do it.
What’d you do that for?
Saying there is nothing to it,
and then letting it go by the boards.
O Sailor..Why’d you do it..
What’d you do that for?
Saying there is nothing to it..
and then letting it go by the boards.
I have too been playing with 52 cards.
Just cause I play so far from my vest.
Whatever I got. Ive got no reason to gaurd.
What could I do but spend my best.
O sailor why’d you do it?
What’d you do that for?
Saying there is nothing to it..Then letting it go by the boards.
And after all that waiting,fighting Patiently on my knees..
All the other stuff tired itself out first.
Not me..Oh not me.
And in its wake,appeared the touch and call
Of a different breed
One who sets to get me wise,and got me there.
And then got me.
ANd what a thing to know what could be instead..
Oh what a blessed curse to see..
It took its agenda from its place in my bed.
Made a merry paramour of me.
O sailor whyd you do it? what you do that for?
Say there is nothing to it..then letting it go by the boards.
O sailor whyd you do it.Whatd you do that for?
Giving me eyes to view it..
As it goes by my door.*
The song says exactly what I want to..To a certain mister.
Because he is a tease. And It is cruel to this girl..So no more.
After such a thing…
I shall quote another song to the other misters.
<div align=”center”>*If there was a better way to go then it would find me..I cant help it,the road just rolls out behind me.Be kind to me..Or treat me mean..Ill make the most of it.Im an extrodinary machine*
More stuff to read..;)
Oh? I forgot that I promised something to mistah John..So here it be;)
*Paint me Red( EROTICA..WARNING)*
I shiver with anticipation..You tighten the rope on my wrists..A pull gently as you lick my neck..Fingers rubbing my bare back as you pull at my stockings gently.Running them down with your fingers.Tips and Tops I feel Rather good. As you run your hands back up my legs.over my feet. Back up my legs.Across my bare bottom.You run your finger tips up my back.
I want you.
You pull at my legs..Bringing me to the edge of the bed. With a light touch I know with much anticiaption..I move towards you. as I feel something cool run down my leg.and back up across my hips my bottom..Across my lower back..I feel your hand rubbing the cold across..I see red as you run it across my lips.Licking my neck You grasp my neck and Push me against you. You run your fingers across my breasts..Down my belly button as you dip your fingertip in it..Yellow.
And then some blue across my nipples.and over my shoulder some more Red.
Oh. I want you..You run your hands over me Pushing. Licking.Touching..
Resolving the fire as it gets harder to not beg..
Not beg..Oh.
Then You Push me down and Push yourself in. And you start out slow.
Small crys can be heard in the hallway for this I am sure .I claw the sheets as You Push into me. Pulling me against you. Thrust after thrust.
After thrust.
Oh yes.;)
I just felt like sharing;)
If you dont like that sort of thing just don’t read it..I really would hate to affend someone..;)
Well besides all the above I have been working something fierce..And then sleepin.
Arguing with people via text messages.
Flirtin via text messages…
Talkin via text messages..Oh and havin’ 3 am conversations with jamie..While I am cleaning rooms.
Seriously now that is like the best time to get ahold of me..Other then that > iam sleeping.
Or doing online stuff…Or playing sims..;)
Tiamo mi amigos..Mi amigas.

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Mmmmm.. very nice erotica. Now where did I put those fingerpaints????

September 6, 2006


o,o Wow…..I don’t even have words to say to that. Not offended or anything like that, but I think that many men that come across this will need a cold shower after reading this…. 😀

I should have learned by now not to read those kind of entries while at work 😉 I could go for some sleep. I hope that life is treating you well.