Essay Time
Sex/Researching the Want.
Why when a women does what any red blooded male does she is labelled a slut? Why when say a women instead of sticking to the ‘Norm’ goes about and experiements with her sexual deviations, perversions or tendacies. What makes people want to have sex?Is there a specific urge that they are trying to meet or is something else?
Now we don’t have sex as a means for our species to survive, in fact our world is grossly overpopulated.unlike eating and sleeping,having sex is not a nessesity. Sure soem people want to procreate, have babies expand the family. But the larger need for sex is purely recreational.If sex is not an actual biological need then does everyone believe it is an actual idea that everyone at some time in ther life should participate in? What of those in the remote possibilty that doesn’t want sex? Are they considered freaks, maybe looked at differently? What about women that have a strong urge to participate in sexual acts is she looked at differently?
SO lets look at this differently…Say I tell my friend I never attend to play baseball, People won’t treat me like a freak for not wanting to play baseball would they? Now say the same person said..I don’t attend of having sex. Would we treat them the same?
On the flip side, what of the girls that experiement? The women that think of what I should do sexually and go for it. Why is she a slut? A man if he did the same thing would not even be looked at twice.
What of those that are homosexual? Many People view it wrong.Mostly because of To them it is not a society norm. But so what if it isn’t does that mean it is necessarily wrong?And I do not in any way am I writing about religion in this..strictly behavioral.
But while I am on it. Is religion the reason why we call that girl a slut? Is religion the reason why we look at homosexuality the way we do. What about transgendered people? How are they viewed?
Sex is a conflicting topic. a taboo topic..Most parents shudder at the fact they have to discuss it with thier children. Most children already know enough to understand the conversation. So again why is it so taboo?
Scientists have actually studied women that have nymphomaniac like behavior, and found thier glands excrete a small measure of testosterone. They have also written texts that homosexuals actually are born that way.
So again if their behavior is explained in scientific terms. WHy must we deny what nature intended? It is after all what nature created isnt it?
That be it
If they tested me I would probably have a LARGE ammount of testosterone. You raised some good questions…to bad no one knows the answers.
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