
Well, still no move on the whole "this guy" thing. (I really need to be more creative and actually come up with a name for him. This is getting confusing.) I didn’t get a chance to talk to him today. We have a spare at the same time but we both hang out in totally different part of the school so I never talk to him. I told him I was gonna come visit him at some point during our spare though, since apparently neither of us actually do anything other than sit around being bored. Although I kinda missed my chance for that today since I was kinda occupied during my spare. And tomorrow my spare is last period, so both of us will be going home at the beginning of that period. Except he will be going to meet up with his girlfriend at her school. Ugh.

Anyway, the reason I couldn’t go find him during my spare was because I was in talking to the new counsellor who took over the old guy’s place. (Which I am still bummed about by the way.) So it was my second meeting with this guy, and I decided that it was time to test him. Okay, so I actually wasn’t having a good day and was actually in a bad mood, but I could have cut him some slack and actually straight-out told him what was wrong. Instead I did what I normally do, and just sat there staring at the floor, paying close attention to how he was reacting. Quite interesting results came from that actually. I now know that he hates awkward silences, and he isn’t good under pressure. Two signs that he might not be too much good to me. He says his goal is to get me to trust people outside of counsellor-type people, and to be able to walk into a room with a stranger and say "hi, how are you?" Yes, really. So I must admit, it was slightly amusing to see this guy scrambling to figure out what to do. And moreover, how he seemed more concerned of getting me to talk then to actually make me feel better about whatever was making me upset. I’ve kinda decided that I don’t like the way he does things. I would much much much much much prefer to keep talking to my previous counsellor. But I have reason to believe that that is not going to happen. So again, I say – ugh.

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September 21, 2006

i didnt know the guy had a girlfriend. that BLOWS. i thought he just talked about other girls. he may not be willing to make a move if he’s already with someone (but you never know!) if you want to play it safe, wait til he’s single, im sure it wont take long. too bad about the counsellor, but hey, you gave him a shot, thats all you can do. hope you get to talk to your old counsellor soon. x