
Today my family was almost spontaneous. My dad wanted to go to the beach or something, so he was looking on the map to find one that was close, and then he decided that he wanted to go to the Hershey factory in Smith Falls, which is 5 hours away. My mom pointed out that we would have to stay over night if we were going to have any time to spend there, and not have to drive home in the middle of the night. So she went to go look for a hotel near there. And then I was the only sensible one who remembered the reason that our family is never spontaneous – the dog. Obviously we couldn’t just leave her here over night with no one to let her out or feed her or anything. So my parents looked into either calling their friends down the street to look after her, or calling the vet to take her overnight. But then after all the time it took for all that, my dad had changed his mind and decided that he didn’t wanna drive that far if we weren’t gonna be staying very long. So then my mom got pissed off at him, and everyone was angry with each other. It was all of a sudden back to normal is what it was.

But then my dad still wanted to do something, just not something that would require him driving for too long. So we ended up driving about an hour to go look at some weird tombstone that had a cryptic-like thing on it where this dude buried his 2 wives a couple hundred years ago or something like that. Click here to see info about it. I still haven’t quite figured it out. It’s too confusing lol.

Anyway, I guess that’s pretty much it. Oh, after we got home we went out for dinner at Swiss Chalet. Now that’s it.

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