Can We Make It Make Sense?

One could call it stalling; but I like to call it setting the scene, creating a mood-giving full details so as not to confuse the reader.

I’ve introduced you to the key players in the game of villain/villainess aka the characters in the affair. I’ve shared each of their personalities to help you better decided each play. Now all that’s left are a few “definitions” and rules shall we say…

As this is my point of view these are also my definitions and how I look at a situation; in particular what is considered cheating, affairs, and whatever else finds its relevance. In any game there’s rules so why would that not apply to this; my most inner thoughts and vulnerability?

‼️ Again this is my point of view-it is neither right, nor wrong. Merely my view point ‼️

You have to hide anything from your partner. Text messages, phone, location, e-mails, social media accounts. 
You lie. You lie about text/messages/images you receive or send. You lie about your location. 
You change names of people. You hide or change names of social media groups. 
You send sexully based texts/pictures. Nudity of any kind. 
Joining dating sites; POF, OF, Tinder, idk-you get the point.
Meeting up with the intent of receiving or giving sexual acts
You engage in sexual relations outside your relationship

Granted these are assumed you and your partner are not in an open relationship, you have not disclosed the above or you exclude them from above. One would say I am a public prude and a whore in the sheets. But what does that mean? I love sex, I really and truly do. But I believe that good sex comes from a stable and loving healthy balanced relationship. Sex is amazing when all areas are being fulfilled. I respect sex. I believe that if you are engaging in sex with me, it is sacred. I am giving you the most precious part of me. If you are having sex with me, you are getting to do things no one else is, you are seeing a side of me no one else is. You are becoming one with me. Its a gift. If I am not validated, respected, appreciated, I am NOT sharing with you. Its not a withholding its a not interested. You can’t run a car without gas. If you understand the analogy.

Being physically intimate outside your relationship
Having an emotional relationship outside your relationship
Sexting without your partner
Joining adult sites and stating you are single or stating your partner is aware
Hiding a relationship

Again non of this applies if you and your partner have agreed to an open relationship. For clarity an open relationship is allowing one another to seek sexual gratification outside one another. No jealous, no arguments, no accusations, cheating and affairs are not valid. But there are rules, there are hard and long conversations. How do I know this one might wonder…Google is amazing and a wonderful wealth of knowledge. But I have also been a “swinger”-said loosely. What is a swinger; its a lifestyle that involves open relationships. Our swinging was to save our relationship. That will come out later; it of course plays a role in an affair.

I mentioned “rules” in the intro. Before I proceed this needs to be reminded; this is written from my point of view. I am not saying what I see, what I feel is right. Nor is it wrong. It is merely how I perceive the situation at hand. It is how my brain is able to process, understand, and translate. Too many times I wish I could change its outcome, because it literally eats me alive, but I can’t. So this is a disclaimer: there are three sides to every story. Side 1, Side 2, and the truth. This is side 1; the only side you will probably hear. Does it make it the truth; maybe; its my truth. That’s why I said; there are villains/villainess and there are heros. It’s you choice to pick the side.


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