Zoo & ER*EDIT*

Ok, losta pics coming in the next couple entries. Lots. Crazy lots. Hehehe…

But here’s my lil update first for everyone. Not much going on, as usual, just kinda chilling since it’s way warm here right now. Heather took the girls to the zoo last Sunday and Alexis had a blast as far as I can tell. Kayla’s still too young to really enjoy it, but maybe next year. Oh well, she got to see lotsa stuff that she normally doesn’t, and the got out to someplace new, which was the main idea.

I had to take Kayla to the ER last night because she was hacking coughing and choking on snot that was running into her throat. It was scaring me so I took her in. They did an RSV (Reactive Airway Disease) test and I’ll get the results in a couple days. I know what RSV is, my nephew has it so at least I know what it entails. They told me basically to just keep her nose clear by suctioning it out since that seemed to be the problem because her nose was just plugged up really bad. She also has an ear infection in one of her ears, so she’s on antibiotics for that and they gave me a prescription for more albuterol for her nebs, and she’s suppose to be on the nebs every 4 hours until her coughing subsides.

She’s napping right now. I think I got about a maximum of 3 hours of sleep last night. Kayla didn’t fare much better. She fell asleep at like, 1 am, woke up at 2, slept from 2:25 til 4, stayed up a half hour, then slept til 8. All of except the last few hours were very fussy sleep. Now she’s been napping for about 2 hours. She’s so tired. My poor baby. She’s getting better though, he cough isn’t nearly as bad and her snot is starting to dissipate. Hopefully it’s not going to get worse around bedtime, since that’s what happened last night. She was okay all day, then around 7:00 the hacking and coughing started. Ugh, I feel so bad for my kiddo. She has a follow-up appointment tomorrow morning at 9:15 and hopefully they have the results of the RSV test in.

So, that’s basically my update. I know, you’re all wondering why I’m not sleeping since she’s sleeping, but I can’t. I know that as soon as I fall asleep, she’ll probably wake up. Plus, I need to get some stuff done around the house. Like washing the dishes and dusting. Fun fun fun. Hopefully I’ll get all the pics I have for you all resized and uploaded and posted today or tomorrow. More than likely I’ll do them right now and not do the cleaning since I have no energy. Blah. Til Next time!


Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention, is when they weighed Kayla, I found out how much of a porker I have!! At her last appt, about a month and a half ago, she weighed 15 lbs 13 ounces. Now, at 5 1/2 months, she’s 20 lbs 4 ounces! OMG! At 6 months, Alexis was 18 lbs. I think someone’s trying to outdo her sister…

Don’t Be A Lurker…

July 6– Kayla ER follow-up 9:15 am

July 20- Kayla 6 month check-up and shots 9:15 am

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July 5, 2007

It is actually hard to sleep when they are sleeping. I hope she gets better and you can get some rest!!