Well Hi There!



Been a while, I know, I’m slacking. Been busy!

Still not back to work yet. I worked for 3 weeks through a temp agency by me and might be back to work for them here shortly if things turn out. Otherwise I’m home all day with the kids. Going crazy and loving it!

The girls are doing well. We go visit Holly (their day care lady) once or twice a week so the girls can see her and vice versa, and also so I get more interaction with adults! And the other kids really miss the girls, so it’s beneficial that way too so they can still play together.

Me? Well, I’m doing as well as can be expected. Tackling projects around the house that need to be done. Got my taxes back, so a friend of mine finished my downstairs bathroom for me, installed an automatic thermostat and took me shopping Friday and Saturday. Oh! And, I got my Wii! Needed to splurge on myself this year, I don’t do it often at all, and I’m happy with it. I deserve to splurge on myself every once in a while.

Not a whole heck of a lot else to talk about I don’t think, so I dunno. I’m sure there’s more, but thought I would at least update a lil bit to keep you all up to date. I have tons of pictures to upload from the girls’ trip in December, and from Xmas, and Kayla’s quilt that I made her for her birthday. Birthday pics too to upload. Tons to do, not enough ambition sometimes. But that happens.

Hope everything is well with everyone! I’ll try to update again soon and post pics for you all to see. You’ll see how big the girls are getting, and Kayla’s vocabulary is astounding! She’s getting the talking thing down, but I suppose she should seeing as how she’s 2 now. Talking much earlier and more than Alexis did at this age. Guess it comes from having a big sister to copy lol.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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March 3, 2009

Glad to see an update! Glad everything is going well!