Update, Pics, Video

Yes, I am alive! It’s been to beautiful outside the past couple weeks, I’ve been busy out there with the kids. Haven’t been online much, just enough to note and check up on everyone. That’s about it. We’re all good here! Went up to see my mom and dad a couple weekends ago with the kids, so that was fun. Got my new computer and everything, and it’s awesome! Mom and Dad had fun with the kids and couldn’t believe how much they had grown since they last saw them. Of course, it HAD been like, 2 months or so since they had seen them last. Oops. 🙂

Andy got me a ring for Mother’s Day and we got it resized. I had it for 2 days, and the stone fell out. Here’s a pic of what it looked like the first day I got it. Not the best pic, but not bad.

It’s a heart-shaped ruby with two diamond accents on each side. I loved it. I was so pissed when it fell out. Grr… So I took it back and got a different one, one with 4 prongs instead of 3, and one that stuck out less. It’s really pretty. Getting it resized at the moment, but I will take a pic of it when I get it back.

Not a whole lot else to say I don’t think. got a few pics to show ya’ll, and a cute lil video at the end of Kayla rolling over from back to belly. She does it all the time now, she hates being on her back for very long now that she can roll over. Enjoy!

Oh yeah! And my dad got me PHOTOSHOP!!!! YAY! And he also got me a Photoshop How-To CD. It’s awesome!

Alexis and my mom

Such a cutie…

Mama of mine

Kayla in her bouncer, she was so tired, I thought she was gonna fall asleep in there! So what do I do? Snap pics!


Now, this is a bird that has been flittering between Alexis’s room window, Kayla’s room window, and the living room window. What kid of bird is it???? It was taken with my phone, so not the best quality.

Last but not least, the video of my little one! Hopefully this works! No sound, btw.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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June 13, 2007

Gorgeous ring, gorgeous kids!

June 13, 2007

Wow, she’s rolling over?! Cameron’s not quite there yet! 🙂

June 13, 2007

Oh my gosh!! That is so awesome that she can do that. I just wrote and entry about Harper. She’s 7 mos today. She’s doing GREAT! BUT, she can’t do that. She cannot roll from back to belly. LOL She is 23.5 pounds and I’m sure that’s got a lot to do with it. LOL Your girls are so gorgeous. That blonde hair on Alexis is to die for. She’ll thank you for that some day. 🙂 So glad you updated. xoxoxo

June 13, 2007

they grow so fast, dont they? Glad to hear you are well 🙂

I looked up the type of bird on Google images, and it is a finch. Very pretty bird!! Thanks for the video of Kayla! I had soooo much fun with you and the girls when you visited. Love you lots!! Mom