

Update time! Where to start, man, not really sure.

Guess I’ll start by saying I’m STILL not back to work yet. I keep tabs with the Temp Agency and I still have my contacts with Nor-Lake so I know how things are going there. Not looking good so far. They laid off another 55 people about a month ago and then 14 more about a week later. Not good. This sucks.

Been keeping busy in the meantime, the girls keep me on my toes and I’m getting a good start on Spring Cleaning. We finally have the nice weather for it. I actually had all the windows open yesterday and aired out the house. It got to 60!!! Suppose to be pretty nice this week, about 60 today again and then 50 for a few days after that.

At the beginning of this month, Andy started taking the girls every other week. It wasn’t fair to the girls, me or him for me to have them 95% of the time, and especially since he isn’t working right now either. So we started the every other week thing. The first week was a little hard, had a lot of free time to figure out what to do with. So I worked on my upstairs bathroom and got it almost finished. It’s painted now and I just have to finish a few details on it, lay linoleum, trim and a new toilet. Then it’ll be done! 

Otherwise… not much else to tell. The girls are with Andy this week so I’m getting a lot of stuff done. With the nice weather I can clean my porches and my garage and get them how I want them. It’ll be much easier when Andy gets his stuff out of the garage and I have more room to play with. I told him it all needs to be out by April 5, otherwise whatever of his is still in there will be sold, given away or thrown. He’s had ample time to get it out, he’s been moved out of here for 6 months and hasn’t done  a thing about it. Now I’m basically forcing him to. I’ve tried playing nice with him and all it got me was a bite on the ass.

My cabin fever is almost gone, thanks to the weather this week. I still can’t get over how nice it is! My front yard has no more snow and my backyard is ALMOST snow free. It takes a little longer to melt back there since the sun doesn’t reach it as well. But I can see grass! Yellow and dead, but still grass. Hahaha… I’m already starting to plan some stuff for outside, like how I REALLY need to do Spring Cleanup with the leaves and branches. Never did Fall Cleanup, and I’m gonna pay for it now. Tons of apples on the ground that have rotted and leaves and branches from my willow trees. Once the ground dries up I can rake it all and burn stuff. Which reminds me… I really need to figure out where my firepit is going to go. It’s too close to the trees and garage for my liking right now.

Anywho…. I better get my butt off the puter and get some stuff done. I"ll leave you with a couple recent pics of the girls!

Alexis and my Grandma Rooney


Don’t Be A Lurker…

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March 17, 2009

Alexis really looks like her mommy 🙂

March 17, 2009


March 20, 2009

How cute!