
Well, Andy found out he ISN’T getting laid off! This sounds sad, but I actually looking forward to him being laid off for a month, so I didn’t have to worry about him being at work 45 minutes away if I go into labor at night, and to be here to help the first couple weeks with the baby. Sad, huh? Oh well, guess I’ll just have to make do. It’s good though since he won’t be getting $100 less a week being laid off.

Other news, had my doc appt today. No change. Gee, what a shock huh? I was hoping to have at least dialated a little or dropped or something, but nope. I’m softening, that’s about it. My cervix is still high and closed, and the baby isn’t engaged yet. Rats. Guess she won’t be a 2006 baby! Was hoping on a New Year’s Eve baby, guess not. My next appt is next Thursday at 9:00 am.

Other than that, nothing new. Wow, what an update LOL

Don’t Be A Lurker…


January 4– OB check-up 9:00 am

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December 29, 2006

while it is a double edged sword him not getting laid off..can be a mixed blessing. There are so many expenses when they first come out of the ‘oven’! *hugs*

December 29, 2006

I guess the laid off thing is good. Money is always good to have around 🙂 I could always use some. haha I can’t wait to see your new baby. Hurry up and have her. 🙂 xoxo

December 29, 2006

Well now instead of being the youngest in her class she’ll be one of the oldest. Good Luck! I hope your feeling good Monique

December 29, 2006